Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Teleconference Call Monday, Feb 10/25

From the Desk of Donna Roth Monday, Feb 10/25

Contact Donna Roth for consultations;

Register for TAFYH team 79     Text 250 718 2852


Monday, Teleconference Call with Donna 

At 5:45 pm PST

Dial 604 227 1018



TAFYH Team 78 Questions

Recent quotes regarding Shots

Question about Fevers, High BT.

Success Stories

What I Learned About Eggs

Words of Interest from Carol


Susan’s cookbook, Beyond Mudpies now available on Amazon

Suzanne, TAFYH team 78, purchased a cookbook and said it is a great cookbook and she recommends it. She said everyone needs to have one.


Robert F Kennedy Jr. 

“Corruption is not just in the federal agencies, it is in Congress too. Almost all the members of this panel … including yourself, are accepting millions of dollars from the pharmaceutical industry.”

 “We are allowing these companies — because of their influence over this body, over our regulatory agencies, to mass-poison American children. And that’s wrong. It needs to end,” Kennedy said. “The president’s pledge is not to make some Americans healthy again, but to make all Americans healthy again.”


Sayer Ji wrote this week:

“Maybe, after years of gaslighting generations of parents of vaccine-injured children—pretending that the skyrocketing rates of chronic disease, pediatric cancer, neurological disorders, and autism have nothing to do with the ever-expanding vaccine schedule—Senators will convince themselves that being voted out by the American people was just another coincidence—not the direct result of their willful, malignant ignorance on children’s health


Ted Kuntz Pres VCC

As Upton Sinclair once said, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Nowhere was this more evident than during Bobby Kennedy’s confirmation hearings, where the world watched in shame and disgust as these Senators, stuffed to the gills with pharmaceutical cash, feigned concern for public health while in reality protecting the profiteers who knowingly sacrificed children at the altar of their failed vaccine schedules and newly developed, lethal mRNA technologies. Their performance was nothing more than a scripted defense of an industry with a rap sheet of felony convictions—one whose liability is conveniently underwritten by the very government they control. They didn’t seek truth. They didn’t seek accountability. They sought to silence, discredit, and protect the machine—because their power, their wealth, and their entire political survival depends on it.” -

The Argentine government has announced its decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO) in response to the “catastrophic” economic impact of COVID-19 lockdowns. In a statement shared on X on Feb. 5, the Argentine President’s Office said that the COVID-19 lockdowns were one of the greatest economic catastrophes in world history, citing the severe and lasting impact on global economies as their primary reason for pulling out. “The WHO was established in 1948 to coordinate global health emergency responses, but it failed its most significant test: it promoted indefinite quarantines without scientific backing during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Argentinian President Javier Milei said. –


From Ted Kuntz

The CIA released a new analysis last week that concluded the COVID virus likely came from a lab in Wuhan, China, sending Democrats and allied science writers into a tizzy as it undermined their years-long campaign to label people “conspiracy theorists” or “racists” for discussing a Wuhan lab accident


A new large-scale, peer-reviewed study of nearly 50,000 children released this month published in Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law reveals significant associations between childhood vaccinations and neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, and epilepsy. The study found that vaccinated children had a 170% higher likelihood of being diagnosed with ASD compared to unvaccinated children, a 420% higher likelihood of encephalopathy, and a 530% higher likelihood of tic disorders in vaccinated children compared to their unvaccinated counterparts. Preterm infants who were vaccinated had a 214% increased likelihood, and were 200% more likely to have at least one NDD compared to unvaccinated



A fever with a high BT is there to burn up toxic waste debris.

The medical world teaches us that a high fever is dangerous and deadly.

Notice how I asked each of you if you have known someone who died from a high fever?

Everyone replied with a NO.

So why are we taught that a high fever is dangerous and deadly?

Is it a fear mechanism to sell aspirin, Tylenol, antibiotics, take a vaccine.

Recall how they were taking BT’s during the pandemic announcement; it prepared everyone to be opened to taking a vaccine. Everyone was now ready to take that CoVid shot because they could now correlate the taking of body temperature by the health authorities to the taking of a CoVid shot.

We were all very well prepped for many years to fear fever, high BT.

We had all witnessed having a fever meant we had a virus. During their pandemic; I say their pandemic because it was not mine and 30 % of the population also did not take their pandemic on; So during their pandemic about 50% of the people were well seasoned to accept high body temperatures as a sign of a virus and that the savior was a CoVid shot.

 Half of the population were all ready to accept a vaccine which would keep us from getting a fever which was labelled as CoVid!

The fever is my friend. It is not my enemy. Do I get fevers? Yes of course. Did my children get fevers. Yes of course. I had learned that it is of utmost importance to clean out that waste debris as fast as possible. So what did I do,. I took lots of Cat’s Claw combination every hour jto move the lymphatics and LBS11 to move the bowels. I drank lots of Chlorophyll and water. And usually within 24 to 48 hours all signs of fever were gone.



BSQ dropped from 112 to 42

Digestive 10-2

Hepatic 11-3

Intestinal 9-3

Respiratory 9-3

Urinary 9-1


Nervous 13-8

Glandular 15-7

Structural 8-1

Immune 12-6

Reproductive 4-1

Body Temperature went from 35.4 to 36.7

Weight dropped from 168 to 158

Candida is still cloudy and stringy

Tumor in the left breast gone from a golf ball size to a flat bottle cap size

Lower back pain has decreased to almost nothing

Body shakes have decreased

My jaw has stopped popping



BSQ dropped from 19 – 12

Body Temperature went from 36.2 to 36.5

Candida was not bad

Hip operation set me back; took meds for pain

Now no meds for 3 weeks

Now on a maintenance program

Eat the right foods and cleanse every day

Taking Focus ATN for ADHD

I wear my emotions like a garment, joy, excitement

Its freedom

Taking Colostrum for leaky gut

I have a root canal and now ready to take it on.

Take a smoothie every day.

Take Cat’s Claw and LBS11 and Chlorophyll every day

Will do the One Day Kidney Flush once a week



BSQ dropped from 79-11

Digestive 6-4

Hepatic 5-1

Intestinal 6-1

Respiratory 9-0

Urinary 6-0


Nervous 9-2

Glandular 10-2

Structural 10-0

Immune 7-0

Reproductive 5-1

Body Temperature went from 36.3 – 36.7

Weight dropped from 138 to 126

Still Candida

I feel great

Everyone tells me I look healthy and I feel honored

Sleeping amazingly

I am sticking to my Health Plan

My bowels now move regularly, from every 2 days to every day

Bloating and gas gone

Big bulges on wrists are gone

Had a big attitude adjustment



BSQ dropped from 27-9

Intestinal 4-2

Respiratory 5-2

Urinary 2-0


Nervous 2-1

Glandular 2-1

Structural 1-0

Immune 2-1

Reproductive 1-0

Body Temperature went from 36.3 tp 36.8

Abdominal pain reduced

Cat’s Claw keeps my pain at bay

Mucous from respiratory tract gone

Itchy nose and ears gone

Mental emotional stress reduced

Varicose veins gone

Urinating at night gone

Off Synthroid medications

Today not feeling good, fatigued, muscles are sore



BSQ dropped from 64-22

Digestive 4-1

Hepatic 4-1

Intestinal 4-1

Respiratory 4-0

Urinary 4-2


Nervous 6-2

Glandular 11-4

Structural 7-5

Immune 7-1

Reproductive 6-1

Body Temperature went from 36.4 to 36.8

Got off the lectin foods

Fixed the leaky gut

Smoothie with Collagen, Power Beets, Arginine and Solstic

Helped my skin

Bloating and gas is gone

Candida looks pretty clear

Lungs are feeling great

No more numbness

Cat’s Claw is keeping my immune system strong, no sickness

I have had surgery to clear blockages

Skin tag fell off using MS


Lesson 15  pg.1 Changes since start of TAFYH Jan 16-feb 7, 2025


I am so grateful  for Donna’s Experience, Wisdom and Guidance  and all the support and acknowledgement I am receiving, from family and friends, thank you. Today are home work is to write down all the changes we have had since the start of our lessons on Jan 16/25 .  I thought I would also share with you. 

I can reach my arms up over my head, I can get in and out of the bath tub, I have way more energy, I can add to a conversation and stay focused.  I can drive into town with hands on the wheel with no pain , I get into and out of the car easily, I can reach back and put my seat belt on.  I can bend over and pet the dogs, and put on there jackets, put there meal plates on the floor and pick them up. I can get to the bottom of the litter box (I could only scrape the top before). I can squat and pick things off the floor, I can cut my toenails ( Keri-lynn did them last time with the cats nail clipper)that was a experience we both hope never happens again lol. I can take things out of the cupboards, type on the computer, Put my hair in a ponytail get in bed without a stool pull the blankets on and off without pain, sleep on my side for a while., go up and down the stairs with out holding the railing (that Mel put on for me).  Eat a good well rounded diet, Prepare and cook a meal, mash potatoes. all these things i took for granted before.  

I also did a lot of self reflection  and realized I had some shadow work to complete, meaning I knew I needed the changes however I was not ready for the deep self reflection, I needed more pain and I got it.  I needed to change. I needed to question life more and let go of my thinking, surrender to Love, and unconditional Love. I realized there is a  bigger picture that I only get glimpses of.  I let go of the though that 


I know best for not only me but for you too.  I wanted to be open to hearing, doing and saying things differently.   As I get stronger and more whole and more in harmony with Mother Nature, I see the Good in everyone and everywhere..I am very grateful for the Miracles that are in everything, you and me. 

like the saying “I could not see until I could”. 

Love Always Doni



Ostrich Destruction

I have already learned that eggs can bind the spike proteins from the CoVid shots. This is what my friend Paula shared with me regarding the killing of the ostriches and chickens.


I believe that the motivation is money. From what I have learned, the eggs have anti-bodies. If the farm is able to put the anti-bodies in the market, they will compete with big pharma. There was much speculation about the ostrich farm in the beginning, but not it's pretty clear that the CFIA just wants all the ostrich dead. They have offered NO SOLUTION to the problem, meanwhile the ducks are flying in and out of the enclosures as there is ostrich food available for them to eat. CFIA doesn't care about the ducks. They don't care about any treatment for the ostrich, all they care about is eradicating the birds. Court is being held on Wednesday and Thursday online. Have a good day, Paula🌺

"Immunoglobulin Y is a type of immunoglobulin which is the major antibody in bird, reptile, and lungfish blood. It is also found in high concentrations in chicken egg yolk"



Eggs impressive health benefits includes protection against cardiovascular disease, lowering LDL cholesterol, a good source of choline, supporting eye health, a good source of protein, reducing the risk of breast cancer, preventing fatigue, supplying needed energy, and supporting strong bones.

That means eggs have more nutrients -- vitamins, minerals, amino acids -- per calorie than most other foods. Have an egg and you'll get:

High-quality protein




Vitamin B12

Multiple antioxidants, which help keep your cells healthy 


A single large (50 g) egg contains:

Vitamin A: 5% of the RDA.

Vitamin D: 10% of the RDA

Vitamin B12: 10% of the RDA.

Vitamin B6: 5% of the RDA.

Selenium: 28% of the RDA.

Phosphorus: 9% of the RDA.

Vitamin B2: 15% of the RDA.

Eggs also contain decent amounts of vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium and zinc. A large egg contains 72 calories, 6 grams of protein and 3 grams of healthy fats.

Eggs also contain various other trace nutrients that are important for health. Eggs are pretty much the perfect food, they contain a little bit of almost every nutrient we need.

Here are some of the exciting health benefits of eggs:


From Diane MS Gone since 1984

So, I Began Researching Natural Remedies

When we get sick, it is usually not overnight - often it is just the final drop that makes the vase go overboard. And it usually happens over time, even years … one symptom, then another one … then another … until they call it a disease.

My research led me to eastern philosophies, nutritional strategies, herbal medicines, mental visualizations, alternative therapies and so on.  The more I studied them, the better all these pieces of the puzzle seemed to fit. When I finally started to get well, they all mysteriously disappeared …the MS, Sarcoidosis, Erythem noueux, CFS and Fibromyalgia.

My family doctor was a staunch supporter and simply said “whatever you’re doing Diane, don’t stop!” and my neurologist finally threw up his hands and said it’s gone, I don’t know why, but it’s gone, check-in annually so I can document this… and I did, though I stopped going several years ago…

I believe people need to know they have choices ...

You do have options and choice ... and they are a powerful combination

I had finally decided to take ownership for my own recovery! 

I did not think or say if … I said once I would come back ... this is a very important point and I believe crucial to successfully fighting any illness or disease (or achieving any goal for that matter). You see, in my mind and in my heart - there were no doubts.

I did not know how long it would take

I did not know what I would have to do

I did not know how much money it would cost.

My one burning desire was to get well, then stay well.

I wanted to enjoy life without depending on others - I wanted and still want to do everything I choose, when I want, as long as I want, and I still do whatever it takes to stay healthy.

The years of nutritional support I required to get my body functioning normally included a clean diet with lots of whole foods plus large quantities and correct formulations of nutrient dense herbal medicines and nutritional supplements. Through early trial and error with a number of herbal product lines, I eventually found the correct formulations in Nature's Sunshine Products and today, they remain a part of my maintenance program and my natural health practice.

It's now over 30 years since the crisis that landed me in the hospital.  Yes, the doctors diagnosed Multiple Sclerosis in 1982 and the other diseases were to follow but I never took ownership of them, they were simply names of conditions I worked very hard at healing naturally "Your body has the amazing ability to naturally realign and heal itself, if you’d just give it some basic attention!".


Did you have people that discouraged you from doing your herbal program?

Many people insisted that I go to the doctor. Some of my best friends told me I was being taken for a ride by using herbal products to heal. I decided that if they were not supportive of my choices I would just cut ties.

Did you take pharmaceutical drugs?

At first, I didn’t know any better, so I took them and they just made me worse. I had to give them up. After taking them for 5 days my bed would be turning, I had to crawl to the bathroom. The doctor told me it would take 3 months for the drugs to work. My thought was that if it causes so many side effects then how it could heal my body.

Did you feel improvement?

Very little. But I would celebrate my victories. If I had spasms, then I would time them and find that they would not last as long as the last time. So that was a victory. I did reflexology, I did ankle rotations and I went to the chiropractor. I now work with one lady who could just now barely move her toe, but she could move it and that is a victory.

How much did it cost?

For me there is no cost. We borrowed the money, so I could do this program. I can’t put a price on it. If I am not healthy I can’t do anything.  I could not work without health. I could not look after children without health. I would be a burden without health.  There is no cost. You are never too old, you are never too young. And you need to stick to it. I decided to do the program until it worked. I made a decision and I became involved in taking control of my own health. I took courses and I got to know that nobody could help me to get healthy but me. Money was not going to stop me from getting healthy.

One day after doing the program for many months and still seeing no results I called my Mom and I cried. I had spent all my money. I had taken all my supplements. I was ready to give up. I cried all night. Then something happened. During the night I got this inspiration. I would not quit, I would not give up. Where would I be if I quit. I would do the program until it worked.

What about taking drugs for bladder and colon control like I do? Can you take herbs with them?

You just keep taking the drugs and add the herbs. As you start to feel better you can decrease the drugs and increase the herbs. Herbs rebuild your body. Its like mending a sock. It takes time for the herbs to build.

What about fear?

Feeling fear is normal. You really don’t know fear until you are in a crisis. Its like going out in the night. You can’t see ahead, and you don’t know what is coming. But just know one thing. If you are doing the right thing your body will heal!

How long did it take?

From the time I was in a wheel chair it took a year to get out of my wheel chair. During that time I took about 30 different products some in very high doses..

Have you ever had an MRI?

Yes, the last time I had an MRI was about 4 years ago for a totally different reason. The doctor told me that my MS was progressing! Progressing??? I had been out of my wheel chair and walking for 20 year and he told me my MS was progressing! That is when I decided to “walk away!”



Monday, January 27, 2025

Teleconference Call Jan 27/25

From the Desk of Donna Roth Monday, January 27/25

Contact Donna Roth for consultations;

Register for TAFYH team 79     Text 250 718 2852


Monday, Teleconference Call with Donna Roth

At 5:45 pm PST

Dial 604 227 1018



Good News About Dark Chocolate

Not All Vitamins are Actually Good For You

Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

3 Important Minerals for Your Thyroid

Can You do a Herbal Program in Bits and Pieces

Cancer of the Kidney Ureter

Parasite Cleanse

Words of Interest from Carol


Susan’s cookbook, Beyond Mudpies now available on Amazon


Good morning Donna,

Hope all is well ! All is well with us !

I completed my Bowel Cleanse the week before last, last week I completed my Liver Cleanse/Gallbladder Flush and next week I’m doing my One Day Kidney Flush (which I like to extend to a 2 or 3 day).

I feel great and look forward to treating my kidneys. I had a thought about one of our always informative and inspirational conversations and didn't we talk about a Parasite Cleanse at one time ?

I am sure it involves Black Walnut. I researched my TAFYH notes< but didn’t find anything. What an amazing course TAFYH is ! I really enjoyed and benefitted from it ! It’s a lifetime treasure !

Thanks for all your hard work and continued inspiration Donna !

Talk to you soon,



The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

Merck Used Highly Potent Aluminum in Gardasil HPV Vaccine Trials Without Informing Participants

Aluminum Content of Pediatric Vaccines ‘Absurdly High,’ New Book Says

Aluminum Adjuvants Used in Some COVID Vaccines May Increase Risk of Serious Respiratory Disease

 From Dr Mercola

Consuming dark chocolate is linked to a 21% reduction in the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, while milk chocolate does not offer the same benefit and is associated with weight gain

The beneficial effects of dark chocolate are attributed to its high polyphenol flavonoid content, which improves insulin sensitivity and helps manage blood sugar levels

Research shows that consuming five or more servings of dark chocolate weekly leads to a 3% decrease in Type 2 diabetes risk per serving, with benefits more pronounced in younger individuals

Dark chocolate’s flavonoids not only aid in reducing diabetes risk but also enhance overall metabolic health by improving vascular function and reducing inflammation

Polyphenol-rich dark chocolate (at least 70% cacao) helps lower fasting blood glucose and blood pressure in just two weeks, offering a quick intervention for metabolic health



When it comes to dietary supplements, all products are not created equal. A label can identify the presence of a specific ingredient without indicating if it’s from a natural, bioavailable and biocompatible source, or from a synthetic, inorganic source. This is despite the fact that our bodies may not recognize these synthetic ingredients as food.

But not all vitamins on supermarket shelves are actually good for you. Some manufacturers source “healthy nutrients” that are toxic to the body, even in small quantities. This confounding trend is not limited to off-brand manufacturers looking to produce cheap knock-offs of “the good stuff”. Some of the most trusted name brands use ingredients that show up on global watch lists of hazardous substances we’ve been instructed to avoid for health and safety.

One of these ingredients is sodium selenate.

Sodium selenate, a byproduct of copper metal refining, is four times more toxic than the known killing drug, cyanide. Yet, it is proudly listed as a “nutrient” in many common health products.

Based on animal studies, we know that a mere 100 milligrams of the stuff are a fatal dose to most humans.

Selenate is not the same as the trace mineral selenium. So we must be very mindful when reading the ingredients on the labels. Organically-bound selenium is the vital human nutrient that sodium selenate can not replace. Selenium is found in foods like nutsseeds, and organic produce grown in selenium-rich soil. This naturally-occurring trace mineral is very different than the unbound, synthetic form being put into some multivitamins.

Organic selenium is known for its ability to boost the immune system, improve thyroid function, protect against heart disease, and even prevent cancer. Sodium selenite/selenate, on the other hand, has been shown to cause DNA damage associated with cancer and birth defects.

Copper Gluconate is the natural copper in the Nature Sunshine product known as MC and in the Super Vitamin and Minerals tablets. Organically, copper is found in a variety of foods, including dark leafy greens, organ meats, beans, nuts, dried fruits, nutritional yeast, as well as oysters and shellfish. The synthetic derivations found in many multivitamins are an entirely different kettle of fish!

However supplements on the market may have cupric oxide listed on the label.

A summary of  studies published by The American Society for Nutritional Sciences ascertained that cupric oxide is not bioavailable due to it’s inability to permeate the gut wall. The fact that this form of copper is still being used in human health supplements and even baby formula, is particularly troubling since an estimated 61% of people in the U.S., U.K., and Canada have dietary deficits of this essential nutrient. Copper deficits are linked to heart disease, osteoporosis, and poor blood sugar metabolism, among other troubling disorders.

Quality is the hallmark of Nature Sunshine products.

Losing weight difficulty is caused by the following reasons.

Eating the wrong foods

High cortisol

Low thyroid functions

Weak intestinal system


Digestive disorders

Liver/ Gallbadder disorders

Deficiencies of 3 important minerals.

 Eating the wrong foods

It is critical that you keep your sugar foods very low. Avoid all grains like wheat, grains, starches which all convert to sugar.

 High cortisol levels.

This happens when there is stress and high anxiety. You can take Ashwagandha which is an excellent herb in keeping cortisol levels down and keeping your anxiety levels in balance.

 Low Thyroid Functions

Here is where I ask that you take your body temperature. You can easily find out if your thyroid levels are low by taking your body temperature first thing in the morning. If your body temperature is about 36.5 to 37 C your thyroid is most likely functioning well. Your thyroid controls your metabolism meaning the process of converting nutrition into energy at a temperature of 37C.

 Digestive Disorders

This is where I bring up the topic of circadian rhythm. At about 5 or 6 pm your digestive system is shutting down for the night due to the circadian rhythm. Here is an interesting experiment. “Animals that are forced to eat during their resting period show increased body mass and altered expression of clock and metabolic genes. In humans, irregular eating times or eating during late hours is associated with altered insulin sensitivity, diabetes and higher body mass. So I think it is a good idea to stop eating after 6 pm or so.

 ntestinal System

Make your intestinal system  strong by rebuilding your Probiotic bacteria. Take 10 to 20 Probiotic 11 after your last meal. Do this for about 2 bottles. I learned this from Dr Rodier who was invited to speak to one of the Nature Sunshine conventions years ago.

3 Important Minerals for your Thyroid

There are 3 very important minerals needed for the health of the thyroid:


You can take Vitamin E with Selenium and eat 2 brazil nuts a day


 Zinc is one of the major minerals needed to make T3, the active form of our thyroid hormone. Low zinc levels can impair thyroid hormone production, resulting in elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels, and in turn, a decrease in resting metabolic rate. Due to this change, weight gain around the belly is a common sign of low thyroid hormone or hypothyroidism.

 Zinc is needed to make, store and manage the function of insulin - having adequate zinc levels can help your cells use sugar as energy instead of storing it as fat!

Zinc is an important mineral needed for balanced sex hormones and a healthy menstrual cycle. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal imbalance where the ovaries develop multiple small follicles disrupting normal monthly ovulation. This often results in irregular or infrequent periods, as well as weight gain.

Zinc affects how you burn fat

Along with a healthy diet, zinc supplementation can reduce inflammation, insulin resistance and reduce appetite, leading to weight loss. Zinc has been shown to improve many weight gain symptoms such as high cholesterol, triglycerides, oxidative stress, lipid profiles and hunger hormone levels (leptin). It is an essential mineral needed to address the root cause and ensure you are able to start burning fat rather than storing it.


The best source of copper is Chlorophyll and greens. Chlorophyll comes in liquids and it comes in capsules. Presently I am taking Chlorophyll capsules and every day I put Power Greens into my super foods smoothies. Copper research shows:

Helps maintain optimal thyroid gland function.

Blood copper levels are closely linked to thyroid hormone levels.


From Dr Mercola

Coconut oil, rich in medium-chain triglycerides and steroidal molecules, also supports the conversion of T4 to the active T3 form, thereby enhancing thyroid function and overall energy metabolism.

Including coconut oil in your diet is another simple yet effective strategy to support thyroid health. Its unique composition not only provides a source of healthy fats but also supports the biochemical processes necessary for optimal thyroid hormone activity. By adopting these comprehensive lifestyle changes, you enhance hormone conversion and support overall thyroid function naturally.


Take Cat’s Claw about 4 twice a day

Here is what else I learned about weight loss.

Potatoes; the skins with just a little potato starch with lots of butter and good salt.

Butter is high in Omega 3 and makes the cells pliable so that energy moves into the cells and Candida move out of the cells.

Honey makes the yeast rise so I assume it feeds Candida. I would use it sparingly.

MC is heavy metal detoxification and presently not available. Alternative is Liver Support and UltraBiome DTX

Chocolate dark if 70% cocoa and low sugar is acceptable. Cocoa is high antioxidant.



The liver has an important function in maintaining the T3 and T4 thyroid hormones circulating in the body. The liver produces cholesterol that can bind to toxic heavy metals that can congest the blood stream and prevent the hormones from circulating to area of the body that rely on them. The liver produces bile that is stored in the gall bladder. The gallbladder is the clock for fat digestion. When you consume fats the gallbladder releases bile into the duodenum to break it down into its fatty acid component. These fatty acids then bind iron and calcium and other minerals essential for healthy blood and hormones.

One of my past guests on my call was Martha. After completing the TAFYH course she pursued the gallbladder flush where she passed hundreds of dissolved gall stones and many were the size of her thumb nail. Martha lost 10 pounds just by doing this cleanse. Sophea is also a TAFYH grad and she came on board TAFYH because she had been to emergency on more than one occasion with gall bladder problems. She was terrified of having surgery and this is where I came into the picture. Sophea learned all about eating the right foods, having super food smoothies, doing the bowel cleanse and learning how to do a liver cleanse and a gall bladder flush. She has now done about 8 of them and she  is 30 pounds lighter.


Interesting Questions

One client asked if she could do a herbal program in bits and pieces because of financial constraints.

My response was an analogy. Supposedly your car did not run because there was a broken fan belt and a flat tire. Could you run your car if you just repaired the fan belt? NOT. Could you run your car if you just repaired the flat tire? NOT In order for you to run your car you need to repair both the fan belt and the flat tire.

The same applies to your body. Your body cannot run smoothly if you decide just to address your liver by taking a herbal combination like Liver Support but you ignored eating the right foods and having a super food smoothie knowing that there is not enough energy in the foods you are consuming. You can not fix your liver disorders if your bowels are not emptying the waste debris properly from your body. You cannot fix your liver if you are drinking sugar pop and orange juice and eating wads of cakes and cookies. As you can see it requires a whole program.

Having said that I design a program with the dosages that I perceive are necessary to address a health challenge. If there are financial issues you can then make a decision to lower the dosage. It will just take a little longer to heal the liver but it will work,

I remember working with Marg who had  cancer in her uterine tube. She could not take Paw Paw in the high recommended dosage. She could only take 2 a day. So it was she kept doing the program eating the right foods, taking a super food smoothies and her herbs in small doses. It took her over a year to overcome cancer. But it worked. She overcame uterine cancer.

 Cancer of the Kidney Ureter, Weight Loss and Blood Pressure

On the day of September 8, 2009 Marg’s bathroom experience was traumatic. She had just witnessed a lot of blood flow in her urine. The urine was dark and bloody. She immediately made an appointment with her physician who scheduled Marg for an ultrasound cystoscopy and phylograms. The cystoscopy showed there was nothing in the bladder, but the pyelogram indicated that there was a 2 cm blockage in the ureter and that the ureter was almost entirely blocked with only a 7% opening. The urine then was backing up into the kidney and the urine had to be rerouted to the other kidney. A general scope was recommended, and Marg then underwent a general anaesthetic surgery where the area of the ureter was thoroughly scoped, and the doctor confirmed that the blockage was a cancerous growth in the ureter. It was diagnosed as transitional cancer of the ureter. The doctor recommended surgery and if the ureter could not be reconnected removal of the left kidney and ureter would be necessary. Marg did not want the kidney to be removed as there was the future possibility of dialysis down the road. She started to look at all of the alternative options and it was her husband’s cousin, a doctor of chiropractic that gave Marg a copy of Donna Roth’s book, Practical Solution to the Cancer Injury.  

On November 13, 2009 Marg and her husband came to see Donna Roth who proceeded to educate them on the cause of cancer and how it can be totally eliminated provided they agreed to follow a specific foods program and the Paw Paw program. Enthusiastically the agreement was made, and Marg started on her new journey. However, to say the least there was a lot of anxiety on the part of Marg as to whether the Paw Paw program would work as there was no way of finding out if this Paw Paw program was making a difference. Now the Paw Paw program was not always a smooth road. Soon after starting Paw Paw Marg started to feel nausea. With the expertise knowledge of Donna Roth, she was reassured that there was nothing to worry about and that the Paw Paw was in fact doing its job and that it was detoxifying the unwanted toxins through the lymphatic system of the intestinal tract. Specific instructions were given for Marg to reduce the number of capsules of Paw Paw to 2 a day, and Marg continued to take the Paw Paw program as directed. Then there were on occasion bouts of diarrhea lasting about 20 minutes at a stretch. Finally, there was all kinds of anxiety and fear around the decision that Marg had made: not to have surgery and to do the Paw Paw program instead.

In January of 2010 Marg ended up with symptoms of gout where her toes were inflamed, and the foot was very painful. This is where Donna suggested a one-day kidney cleanse with kidney herbs and Hydrangea to further flush the kidneys. Once again Marg agreed to take responsibility. She did the kidney flush. The gout symptoms totally subsided. It is the belief of Donna Roth that the gout symptoms were nothing more than a healing crisis.  In the middle of January Marg went in to have another ultrasound and the results sounded very promising.  The doctor said that kidney was no longer conspicuous as previously noted. In other words, the size of the kidney had reduced. Marg felt much more confident in the Paw Paw program and continued it faithfully.

Then on June 18, 2010 Marg had one more ultrasound scan indicating that the kidney was back to its normal size. However, the doctor said that perhaps the kidney might have gone into necrosis where it had totally shrunk and would no longer be functioning.  Marg allowed for the doctor’s interpretations but felt it was just an over cautious observation because of the normal creatine test, normal kidney function and general fine health.  Marg believes her kidney has healed and the cancer disappeared by following the Paw Paw program without any surgery. For this reason, she has agreed to share her story with others so that it may help someone else with cancer.

However, Marg’s story would not be complete without mentioning the side benefits of the Paw Paw program. Firstly, over a 4-month period she lost 30 unwanted pounds; secondly, and more importantly, her blood pressure dropped to the point where she could discard her hypertension medication after 38 years of use.

I have always wondered if the blood pressure medications were not the real cause of Marg’s kidney cancer.

 Parasite Cleanse

Artemesia  work up to taking 14 a day on an empty stomach, 7 in the morning and 7 before lunch.

Black Walnut; 2 three times a day

Herbal Pumpkin ; 2 three times a day

Protease Plus enzymes take 2 twice a day morning and night empty stomach


Once a day after your evening meal take 10 capsules of Probiotic 11.

Avoid all grains, legumes, pop, sugar, alcohol, drinking milk.

This is a 10 day program.