Sunday, April 21, 2024

Teleconference Call; 4 Minute Mile Lupus


From the Desk of Donna Roth April 22/24

Contact Donna Roth for consultations;

Register for TAFYH team 250 718 2852

Transforming the Health of Nations

A healthy body is warm, full of vigor, beauty, radiant energy, magnetism and power!


Monday, Teleconference Call with Donna Roth

At 5:45 pm PST

Dial 604 227 1018



TAFYH team 76 launched this morning with 7 registrants.

What is Your 4 Minute Mile Belief System?

Guest: Brent shares his experience in TAFYH 75

The Story of Lynn Diagnosed with Lupus

Lynn’s Herbal Formula For Lupus

What is Your 4 Minute Mile in Your Own Health?

Words of Interest from Carol.


NHPPA is here to support you in taking action, making your voice heard, and

standing up for our right to access natural health products and the practitioners that use them.

Here's some things you can do:

Sign our e-petition in support of Bill C-368


Susan’s cookbook, Beyond Mudpies now available on Amazon


From Tony Robbins

Tony says: Our belief system is what dictates our life, good or bad.

I say: Our belief system is what dictates our health, good or bac.

On May 6th, 1954, a man named Roger Bannister set out to do what was believed to be impossible.

 Everyone in the world had settled that running under a 4-minute mile was impossible.

 Experts cited biological and physical barriers claiming the human body was simply not capable of achieving such a feat.

 But Roger had his own belief system and was determined to shatter the “limitation” that was set by the world. 

 And on May 6th, Roger ran a mile in 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds. 

 What once was impossible was now possible.

 And within the year several others broke the 4-minute mile as well. 

 What changed? It wasn’t the training methods or some supplement he was taking. 

 It wasn't anything external that he was doing all of sudden that differentiated him from everyone else. 

 It was his belief. It was his hunger and drive. 

 It was all internal. 

 And so, reflect inwards. 

 What’s your four-minute mile? 


Brent shattered his 4-minute mile by doing the TAFYH course 3 times.


I can’t help sharing Lynn’s story with you. She found her 4 minute mile.  One day Lynn was diagnosed with Lupus and she was given 2 years to live.  Her initial belief system was to spend every day of her waking mornings doing this:

Getting up

Having a shower

Shaving her legs

Going to her appointment with one doctor.

Sitting in the waiting room.

Seeing the doctor who told her what prescriptions she needed

Going for an appointment with another doctor

Sitting in the waiting room.

Seeing the doctor who told her what prescriptions she needed

Here are Lynn’s words.

“My whole life ended, and I went into a deep depression. I was hospitalized to a psych ward for a period of 3 months. I was totally overwhelmed, and I broke down.” For years Lynn’s life was totally consumed by doctors. Visits to the doctors’ offices was her entire social life.” I was letting the doctors tell me what to do. I was living on borrowed time. All I did was make appointments with doctors and sit around in the waiting rooms to see doctors. I shaved my legs daily to see doctors. I was up to visiting 15 doctors a week. I was very timid, and I was lost. I was bitter. Why is my life shutting down? “

With that belief system of going to doctors Lynn realized that no doctor could give Lynn an answer. Their answer was this; you have 2 years to live. Lynn’s whole world was tied into a belief system in medical doctors that gave her 2 years to live, Everyone in her world, the doctors, her medical records,  her friends who heard her diagnosis had settled into he belief system that Lupus was not curable. Just as everyone in the world in Roger Banner’s time had settled that running under a 4-minute mile was impossible. Not only was it impossible but experts cited biological and physical barriers claiming the human body was simply not capable of achieving such a feat. Such a belief system led Roger Banner to shatter it all.


In Lynn’s case someone had told her about Donna Roth who had a different way of thinking about diseases. It is this day, that  one day that Lynn made a decision – a decision that changed her life, a decision that shattered the belief system of her other world; that she had Lupus with only 2 years to live.


With all the courage she could muster Lynn decided to visit Donna Roth for a consultation. The consultation discovered that Lynn was very deficient in many different minerals, enzymes , and essential fatty acids. Lynn had no idea whether it would work. Lynn had no idea what she was getting herself into. Lynn had no idea whether spending money and time on such a non medical pathway would give her health back. But  on July 31/06 Lynn started on her new adventure.

Every day Lynn took the following Nature’s Sunshine herbal program:

Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic 3 oz a day

Ultimate Green Zone now known as Power Greens

LIV-C 4 capsules a day for her liver

Evening Primrose Oil 4 capsules a day

Colostrum 4 a day

No sugar, pop, wheat, yeast products. A diet of vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, hormone free meat, eggs. Water only to drink.

Lynn took this nutritional approach very seriously. “I decided I would do exactly what Donna said I should do. I taped the instructions to my fridge, and I stuck to the program.”

Lynn’s determination was unmovable. She was 100% on board and every day she followed those instructions and every day she drank her smoothies, she ate the right foods and she took her supplements faithfully, no exceptions. She did exactly what Roger Bannister did . Roger had his own belief system and was determined  and he took action to shatter the “limitation” that was set by the world. 

 Finally the day arrived when Lynn would test her 4 minute mile.

At the end of August/2006, one month later Lynn visited her liver specialist who did a liver enzyme test for her. The results showed the liver enzymes to be down to normal for the first time in 10 years. The doctor couldn’t believe it and so he did another liver test just in case there was an error in the testing procedures. Once again, the liver test showed the enzyme levels to be perfectly normal. All other blood tests showed everything to be in the normal range. The blood pressure came down from 180/110 to 127/85. The doctor was absolutely amazed and told Lynn she wouldn’t have to see him for another 6 months. Lynn also weaned off 5 of her 7 medications- the anti-malaria drugs, the blood pressure meds, the diuretics, the potassium and the arthritic pain drugs.

Lynn was ecstatic. She had overcome that belief system that told her she had 2 years to live. The doctor living in this belief system could not believe it. But Lynn had found her 4 minute mile and shattered her medical records. She was no longer a victim of their belief system. Lynn continued with her program.

The pain was gone. The cramps she would have in the liver and the ribs every time she ate were gone. Her leg cramps decreased dramatically. Her headaches were history. Her sugar cravings are gone. The anxiety attacks, stress and depression were gone. Her sporadic menstrual cycle was now normal.

What changed for Lynn. It wasn’t the medical system, it wasn’t the 15 doctors she visited every week. It was Lynn’s initial openness to a different way of thinking. It was her determination and her hunger and drive to live a life of health. It was her inward reflection. Noone could do this for Lynn. Noone eat the right foods for her. It was up to her. Noone could make the super food smoothies for her. It was up to her. Noone could take the supplements for her. It was all up to Lynn. It was her own inner determination and her outward actions that led to her pathway of health. Just as Roger Bannister broke the 4 minute mile belief system Lynn broke her own 4 minute mile belief system;

Liver enzymes could come down to normal levels with super foods and herbs

Blood pressure could come down to normal levels with super foods and herbs.

Kidney functions could be normalized with super foods and herbs

Potassium levels could be normalized with super foods and herbs.

Arthritic pain can be overcome with super foods and herbs

Cramps and pain can be overcome with super foods and herbs.

Headaches can be overcome with super foods and herbs.

Anxiety attacks, stress and depression can be overcome with super foods and herbs.

Abnormal menstrual cycles can be overcome with super foods and herbs.

Lupus, just another diagnosed name can be overcome with super foods and herbs.

 “I learned I had to speak for myself and do it myself. I was letting the doctors tell me what to do. I changed my eating habits. I changed my shopping habits from cookies and potato chips to fruits and vegetables. I get excited when I cook now. I discovered how my intestinal tract works. I feel younger today then I did 10 years ago. “Lynn’s advice is to gain knowledge about yourself and to do it yourself.

 I ask What’s your 4 minute mile in your own health?

I say you also can overcome if you go to your own inner world, shatter your own belief system, create your own belief system, find out how to take the super foods and herbs, and take action and keep doing it every day until you get success.  Your body is created to heal. And know this that  you, too, can shatter your own 4 minute mile belief system and regain your own health as did Lynn  by taking action for her health as did Roger Bannister by running a 4 minute mile.

 Even if you just do exactly what Lynn did for just 1 month, no cheating, no exceptions you can shatter your won belief system and prove to yourself that you too can overcome.

Too often I hear the words; well it worked for Lynn but I don’t think it will work for me. Notice your own belief system when you say these words; you don’t think. If you think you can’t’ then you can’t.

 I have been a teacher for many years and there are these little powerful stories that were taught to children that have the same powerful meaning for those wanting to overcome their health challenges.

I want to share this little folk tale story with you.

 The Little Engine That Could

A little railroad engine was employed about a station yard for such work as it was built for, pulling a few cars on and off the switches. One morning it was waiting for the next call when a long train of freight-cars asked a large engine in the roundhouse to take it over the hill. "I can't; that is too much a pull for me," said the great engine built for hard work. Then the train asked another engine, and another, only to hear excuses and be refused. In desperation, the train asked the little switch engine to draw it up the grade and down on the other side. "I think I can," puffed the little locomotive, and put itself in front of the great heavy train. As it went on the little engine kept bravely puffing faster and faster, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can."

 As it neared the top of the grade, which had so discouraged the larger engines, it went more slowly. However, it still kept saying, "I—think—I—can, I—think—I—can." It reached the top by drawing on bravery and then went on down the grade, congratulating itself by saying, "I thought I could, I thought I could."










Monday, April 15, 2024

Teleconference Call Monday April 15/24


TAFYH team 76 registrations. 1 more spots available

Please check out my site for details. Go to TAFYH.

Guest: Ellen shares her experience in TAFYH 75

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The Power of the Product Focus ATN

Success Stories

Words of Interest from Carol.


NHPPA is here to support you in taking action, making your voice heard, and

standing up for our right to access natural health products and the practitioners that use them.

Here's some things you can do:

Sign our e-petition in support of Bill C-368


Susan’s cookbook, Beyond Mudpies now available on Amazon


The Great and Humble

Men who are not

bound by precedent.

dominated by an institution.

controlled by authority

led by deceptive narratives.

flattered by success.

spoiled by eminence.

nor dazzled by their own importance –

these are the men who carry

progress with them.


Women who are not

bound by precedent.

dominated by an institution.

controlled by authority.

led by deceptive narratives.

flattered by success.

spoiled by eminence.

nor dazzled by their own importance –

these are the women who carry

progress with them.


TAFYH teaches you not to be bound by institutions, or authorities, or deceptive narratives.

TAFYH speaks truth to you. It is based on the Laws of Nature. Laws of Nature are evident and around us at all times. But do we see them.

Do we see the leaves budding in the springtime?

It is the Law of Nature

It does not need science.

It does not have to be scientifically proven.

It is a law and it just is.

Do we see the flowers opening up their heads to bring us beauty and color.

It is the Law of Nature

It does not need science.

It does not have to be scientifically proven.

It is a law, and it just is.

Do we see those poisons being injected into children’s innocent and our bodies cause harm?

Poisons do not belong in our bodies.

It is the Law of Nature

It does not need science.

It does not have to be scientifically proven.

It is a law, and it just is.

TAFYH follows the Laws of Nature and you will identify with them once you embrace the power in Nature that gives us wisdom, magnetism, beauty radiant energy and vigor.


Ellen guest speaker


The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind receives and files all your thoughts and impressions regardless of the nature of these thoughts and impressions. The subconscious mind acts on the your most dominating thoughts. It determines which thoughts are the most dominating by the feelings, passions, emotions and faith you apply to those thoughts.


It is human nature to doubt and to have skepticism. It is human nature for others to discourage you and lead you into fear.

But know this. You have the power to control your own mind. The doubting thoughts are always going to be there. However you have a choice. You can  transform those thoughts of doubts to simply focusing on your perfect state of wellness no matter what symptoms are. You know you are committed.. In every moment you have the opportunity to choose wellness or to choose illness. If you allow your doubts to control you , you are actually contributing to your illness.. At this moment and each moment the thoughts you choose must match the vision you have in your mind which is to be in health. A famous quote well known, “Man is the master of his own destiny.” Therefore it follows, “You are the master of your own destiny.” And it also follows that if you work with a team of supportive people together as a Master Mind team you are the master of the destiny of transforming your illness to your wellness. Now who might be your Master Mind team. All the people on this call are part of your team. I am part of your team. Your supportive friends are part of your team. And if you are part of TAFYH your TAFYH team are part of your Master Mind team. TAFYH grads are also invited to join Advanced TAFYH so you are part of another Master Mind team.


There is one other very important ingredient that needs to spice up your pathway to your health destiny. Your subconscious mind only acts upon the thoughts that show passion. Passion can be enhanced when you activate your 5 senses in the process of manifesting your thoughts. In doing so it is important to clear out any thoughts of self doubt, of skepticism, of negative emotions, negative  thoughts, and stories such as,” I don’t have enough money”, “this won’t work”, this doesn’t make sense, etc .Avoid all thoughts of fear, poverty and all negative thoughts that may serve as a stimuli to your subconscious mind. Avoid:









This is a time when you set aside such thoughts of inadequacies Your subconscious mind functions voluntarily and it is up to you to make every effort to influence it and give it direction. If you do not take on this action you can rest be assured that there are plenty of thoughts out there in the universe that will take that space in your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind does not remain idle. Either you choose to influence it or it will be influenced by foreign unwanted thoughts:

I don’t have enough money.

I’m afraid of spending my money.

I am afraid this is a scam.

The programs are expensive.

Drugs are free

Its easier to take that drug or that vaccine

A doctor will look after me

You can learn to control the door to your subconscious mind so completely that no undesirable thought can ever enter that doorway. You have the opportunity to create your own vision for your own wellness. Its takes practice to control those doubts. I am here to say that eventually you will get there. Here is a simple affirmation you can practice.  My faith in my vision is so strong that I can see it before my eyes.

Now I want to say that there are specific herbal combinations that will assist your brain to stay in the focus of your path to health. The herbal combination I am mentioning is Focus ATN.

From Natures Sunshine

Focus Attention is a special formulation of herbal nutrients that help protect the body from undesirable side effects caused by drugs or exposure to toxic chemicals, food additives, pesticides, etc. Focus Attention combines powerful nutrients required for quiet, balanced mental activity. Slippery elm aids nutrient absorption and is used as a soothing and cleansing herb for the digestive system. The amino acid l-Glutamine supports healthy brain activity and mental ability. DMAE is a biodynamic nutrient used for memory and learning enhancement. It also quenches damaging free radicals. Lemon balm leaves have been approved by the famous German Commission E for their ability to soothe the nervous system. Grape seed extract is high in proanthocyanidins—highly active compounds that can readily neutralize brain-damaging free radicals caused by toxins or over-stimulated brain metabolism. Ginkgo biloba is well known for its support of brain and circulatory health.


Lemon balm (aka melissa or balm), has been part of European culture since the 14th century when people drank Carmelite water: lemon balm and other herbs infused in wine. In the Middle Ages, people credited balm for help with sleep, stress support, wound healing and even longevity! And later, English doctors prescribed it to renew vigor and strengthen the brain. The ginkgo tree is one of the oldest in the world! And ginkgo has been a big part of Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Today, this unique, fan-shaped leaf is used for its protective effects against oxidative stress. In many European countries, ginkgo is recommended for brain-supporting benefits.


Studies conducted using Focus ATN proved improvements in the following areas:


 neuromotor control.

Decreased anxiety,

remarkable improvement in learning and behavior problems such as ADD,

 improvement in attention span,

decreased irritability,

improved scholastic ability

elevated IQ levels


Focus ATN carries this name because it is specifically used to help you focus on your own vision, your own thoughts, your own destiny.


Now I would like to relate a story of one of my past clients whose winds of doubt overpowered her in one swoop of a doctor’s words.

Tumor in the uterus

Lynda was diagnosed with a tumor in her uterus. She understood the importance of consuming high dense nutrition for the purpose of feeding the stem cells so that they could replicate healthy cells to heal the injury: Flax Hull Lignans, Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic, Chlorophyll, Green Zone, Collatrim Plus. She took Paw Paw was taken to clean up the fungal infection. Protease Plus was taken on an empty stomach to cleanse the blood stream. Bowel herbs were used to ensure all toxins would be eliminated.

Six months later In September 2010 another ultrasound was done, and it indicated that the uterine lining measured at 8 mm and it had decreased in size from the original 15 mm, the vascular network decreased in size but  the tumorous mass in the uterus measured 2 cm and that it had increased in size. Dr. Lynda was shocked at these results. She had now faithfully followed the Paw Paw program for 6 months and the tumor measured bigger in size! She then decided she had no other option but succumb to surgery.

Then about 3 weeks later on a fall day of October 2010 Dr. Lynda underwent the most amazing bathroom experience. A bloody tissue mass was expelled. This she believed was the tumor. Lynda just experienced a healing crisis.  On October 14, 2010, Dr. Lynda went in for another ultrasound. This time there was no blood flow, no mass, no tumor and the uterine lining measured a normal 3 mm. The cancer was all gone!

All tests confirmed that the tumor was gone, that were was no cancer. But the doctor stepped into the picture with that defined look of authority and declared that the uterus be surgically removed. Lynda succumbed to this authority and had her healthy uterus surgically removed.

All thoughts of fear, of self-doubt, of skepticism took over and all power and authority was immediately given to the voice of a doctor.


I recall working with a man diagnosed with cancer. He was following my program and the blood work gave him the evidence he needed to prove the program was effective and working. He was starting to feel better. His energy has increased. He was in constant communication with me. He called me often to share his blood work results with me.He was excited with his progress. There came a time when  I was away travelling. At that time cell phones were not in use so there really was no way for him to communicate with me. I had been away for 2 weeks and upon returning home I received a phone call from him. His doctor had looked at his blood work and said a chemo treatment was in order. My client succumbed to a chemo treatment. He called me on Thursday and on Saturday. I received a call that he had passed away. The winds of doubt took over. The voice of an outside authority stepped in. He forgot his body was in the process of healing. He forgot that the blood work confirmed his progress.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Emergency First Aid


Your First Aid Kit: Credit to Steven Horne:

Here are my recommendations for what to put in your home health care kit.
Capsicum Capsules: Capsicum is an important remedy for stopping bleeding, treating shock and stimulating circulation and healing. It is also a valuable remedy for colds and has mild analgesic qualities.

For bleeding open the capsule and apply right onto the bleeding area. It helps to coagulate the blood,

For shock open a capsule into juice or water and sip is down. Do this every 15 minutes until the shock subsides. It usually takes only about 15 to 30 minutes


Lobelia Essence: Lobelia is an antispasmodic that relaxes muscle cramps or spasms and can be used to ease pain, relax the body during anxiety attacks and stress, ease asthma attacks, and relieve tension headaches. Lobelia can also be used as an emetic to induce vomiting in cases of food poisoning or flu.

Just apply Lobelia right unto the area of pain or the cramp several times a day if need be. It is great to relax the body when in a state of shock.


Cat’s Claw Combination: It’s good to have something to stimulate the immune system. This is a remedy that can stop infections dead in their tracks. Take about 2 capsules every 2 hours until the infection subsides. This may take 3 days.

Cat’s Claw combination and Psyllium Hulls are excellent for diarrhea.


Silver Shield Gel: . Silver Shield is a very effective and nontoxic silver product that can be taken internally or applied topically. You can use it as a sinus spray, throat gargle or as ear drops for infections in the sinuses, throat and ears. It can also be taken internally for infections. The gel is excellent for all topical applications and is safe to use on open wounds. It can also be used as a hand sanitizer.

Dr. Pedersen says that Silver Shield destroys toxins that lead to bacteria, viruses and molds. It has been tested for many purposes:

Anti-aging   and wound healing

Burns and bites

Parasites and Malaria

MRSA, Strep, Staph, Candida, Aspergillus, HIV,

Purifies water in 1.5 minutes

Deactivates harmful hormones

Abnormal cells as in breast cancer, Sarcoma, Leukemia, cervical cancer, Human Papilloma virus,

Epstein Barr virus, Influenza, Parainfluenza, Cytomegalovirus (cancer), SARS, Bird Flu, etc.

Silver creates stem cells in the blood stream.

Tei Fu Oil or Tei Fu Massage Lotion: Tei Fu oil is a topical analgesic and can be rubbed in to ease the pain of headaches, muscle aches, arthritis, sore throats and much more. It can be inhaled for respiratory congestion and makes a great remedy for bites and stings. It can be  rubbed unto the chest for congestion. It is an excellent remedy for sore throats or dry throats. Just put one drop on your pinky finger and pop that into your mouth. It can be taken several times a day if needed.


Peppermint Oil: Peppermint oil settles the stomach where there is nausea and vomiting and eases gas and bloating. It can also help to promote mental alertness.


AL-J Liquid or Capsules:  If you are prone to colds and respiratory congestion, this is a great remedy for clearing mucus from the lungs and sinuses. It is useful for coughs, colds, earaches, digestive upset and allergies.

Aloe Vera Gel A high quality aloe vera gel is useful to keep on hand for burns, sunburn, abrasions and other skin irritations.

IF-C: Steven Horn says: No first aid kit is complete without something for pain. This natural anti-inflammatory is a great remedy for easing pain and promoting recovery from minor injuries, headaches and other aches and pains.

Nature’s Fresh: This product is great to have on hand for stains and odors, but it is also an amazing topical spray for helping to ease pain and promote healing. You can spray it on all kinds of minor injuries and painful areas to ease pain and promote healing.

Other Products: 

Kelp – 4 caps for iodine for radioactivity, thyroid, weight loss

Pau D’Arco lotion – scratches, bruises, itchy skin, rashes

Zerenity- anxiety, panic, feeling scattered





Food Poisoning Gone!


Dean experienced weakness and diarrhea and he even threw up once.

Did he go to a doctor to find out what this was all about?

Not Dean! He opened up Dr. Pederson’s book, A Fighting Chance and turned to the page that said, “Food Poisoning.”

Did Dean know his sickness was food poisoning.

No he did not. He just followed Dr Pederson’s protocol on food poisoning.

Do you have to know if this is food poisoning?

The answer is No. What you need to know is what to do not what it is.

Dr. Pederson’s protocol:

2 tablespoons of SilverGuard every hour for 8 hours.

He even stayed up to 1 am to be sure he was getting his 8 hours in.

The next day he took Cat’s Claw combination 2 capsules every hour along with a few teaspoons of Silver.

It was the middle of this second day that all symptoms subsided,

The weakness was gone. The energy came back, The diarrhea was gone.

I am here to say that this protocol would work for sore throats, infections of all kinds, abscesses or anything else that may come your way.

You do not need to know what it is you just need to know how to address it.

Root Canal Infection Gone!


Laura was experiencing infection in her root canaled teeth and kept taking Silver and Cat’s Claw combination

to keep the infection at bay, However the infection never would clear up,

The day came when she made a decision to go to the dentist to have the 2 root canals extracted.

They were infected. Did Laura take antibiotics? The answer was NO.

She took Cat’s Claw combination about 4 three times a day and Silver about 2 oz a day.

The infection took no time to clear up.

Now here is the amazing sequel to this story.

There was a “side effect”.

Laura had a lump on her groin that was constantly bothersome.

It would leak and drain but it never went away.

Lo and behold the root canals were extracted, the infection was cleaned out.

And to Laura’s surprise the lump in her groin is no longer there.

Who would have ever thought that 2 root canals could be the cause of a lump in the groin.

Every organ and gland in our body is connected to our teeth!!

Thank you Laura.

Teleconference with Kenda April 8/24

From the Desk of Donna Roth

Contact Donna Roth for consultations;

Register for TAFYH team 250 718 2852

Transforming the Health of Nations

A healthy body is warm, full of vigor, beauty, radiant energy, magnetism and power!


Monday, Teleconference Call with Donna Roth

At 5:45 pm PST

Dial 604 227 1018



TAFYH team 76 registrations. 4 more spots available

Please check out my site for details. Go to TAFYH.

Do You Know What To Do in Case of Emergency?

Guest: Kenda shares her experience in TAFYH 75

Success stories: Root Canal out, no antibiotics, Food Poisoning

Words of Interest from Carol.


NHPPA is here to support you in taking action, making your voice heard, and

standing up for our right to access natural health products and the practitioners that use them.

Here's some things you can do:

Sign our e-petition in support of Bill C-368

Send an electronic letter to targeted Members of Parliament in support of Bill C-368

Print off a Charter of Health Freedom petition page, collect signatures,



Susan’s cookbook, Beyond Mudpies now available on Amazon


A Word About TAFYH

Minds are opened.

Thoughts are shared.

Wording is questioned.

Thinking goes beyond the box.

No longer is there fear.

No longer is there hesitation.

No longer is there doubt.

There is only power!


Recently I attended a Zoom Call BC Rising and on that call was a guest speaker that talked about the slippery slope of MAID run as a normal in our hospitals as I speak. The message was clear; Stop going to the doctors. On that Zoom call was a very concerned woman who said these words: Then what do we do if there is an emergency. I assumed that she was referring to some of the many diagnosed conditions like breathing problems, lung infections,  pneumonia, strep throat, fevers, diarrhea, flus, bleeding, arthritis, bladder infections, kidney infections and all infections. I don’t think she was referring to broken bones, accident, traumas.

Here is where I want to put in a plug for TAFYH. You learn to gain confidence in using our God given herbs. And yes emergency is covered. Let me tell you what I learned from one of my TAFYH grads, One day Brain  ended up with passing blood during urination. There were blood clots passing. Did he panic? Did he rush to emergency to wait for hours on end for this problem to be addressed. No. He told his wife who is also a TAFYH grad, She got to work and told him to take a Capsicum capsules with warm water every hour. He did this for a day and the bleeding stopped and that was a couple of weeks ago. The power of that simple God created Capsicum that has in it the intelligence from God solved the problem.

Then I got a message from another TAFYH grad who told me that she uses Tei Fu Oil to solve her breathing problems, It works 100 % of the time.


Kenda: TAFYH grad.


When you place your orders with Nature Sunshine please do not order via website. I know that you receive emails saying you will receive 25% discount for your first order. You can request Subscribe and Thrive and receive 25% and free shipping by dialing customer service 1 800 265 9163, Then ask to have your shopping cart emptied.


Success Stories

Laura was experiencing infection in her root canaled teeth and kept taking Silver and Cat’s Claw combination

to keep the infection at bay, However the infection never would clear up,

The day came when she made a decision to go to the dentist to have the 2 root canals extracted.

They were infected. Did Laura take antibiotics? The answer was NO.

She took Cat’s Claw combination about 4 three times a day and Silver about 2 oz a day.

The infection took no time to clear up.

Now here is the amazing sequel to this story.

There was a “side effect”.

Laura had a lump on her groin that was constantly bothersome.

It would leak and drain but it never went away.

Lo and behold the root canals were extracted, the infection was cleaned out.

And to Laura’s surprise the lump in her groin is no longer there.

Who would have ever thought that 2 root canals could be the cause of a lump in the groin.

Every organ and gland in our body is connected to our teeth!!

Thank you Laura.


Dean experienced weakness and diarrhea and he even threw up once.

Did he go to a doctor to find out what this was all about?

Not Dean! He opened up Dr. Pederson’s book, A Fighting Chance and turned to the page that said, “Food Poisoning.”

Did Dean know his sickness was food poisoning.

No he did not. He just followed Dr Pederson’s protocol on food poisoning.

Do you have to know if this is food poisoning?

The answer is No. What you need to know is what to do not what it is.

Dr. Pederson’s protocol:

2 tablespoons of SilverGuard every hour for 8 hours.

He even stayed up to 1 am to be sure he was getting his 8 hours in.

The next day he took Cat’s Claw combination 2 capsules every hour along with a few teaspoons of Silver.

It was the middle of this second day that all symptoms subsided,

The weakness was gone. The energy came back, The diarrhea was gone.

I am here to say that this protocol would work for sore throats, infections of all kinds, abscesses or anything else that may come your way.

You do not need to know what it is you just need to know how to address it.


Your First Aid Kit: Credit to Steven Horne:

Here are my recommendations for what to put in your home health care kit.
Capsicum Capsules: Capsicum is an important remedy for stopping bleeding, treating shock and stimulating circulation and healing. It is also a valuable remedy for colds and has mild analgesic qualities.

For bleeding open the capsule and apply right onto the bleeding area. It helps to coagulate the blood,

For shock open a capsule into juice or water and sip is down. Do this every 15 minutes until the shock subsides. It usually takes only about 15 to 30 minutes


Lobelia Essence: Lobelia is an antispasmodic that relaxes muscle cramps or spasms and can be used to ease pain, relax the body during anxiety attacks and stress, ease asthma attacks, and relieve tension headaches. Lobelia can also be used as an emetic to induce vomiting in cases of food poisoning or flu.

Just apply Lobelia right unto the area of pain or the cramp several times a day if need be. It is great to relax the body when in a state of shock.


Cat’s Claw Combination: It’s good to have something to stimulate the immune system. This is a remedy that can stop infections dead in their tracks. Take about 2 capsules every 2 hours until the infection subsides. This may take 3 days.

Cat’s Claw combination and Psyllium Hulls are excellent for diarrhea.


Silver Shield Gel: . Silver Shield is a very effective and nontoxic silver product that can be taken internally or applied topically. You can use it as a sinus spray, throat gargle or as ear drops for infections in the sinuses, throat and ears. It can also be taken internally for infections. The gel is excellent for all topical applications and is safe to use on open wounds. It can also be used as a hand sanitizer.

Dr. Pedersen says that Silver Shield destroys toxins that lead to bacteria, viruses and molds. It has been tested for many purposes:

Anti-aging   and wound healing

Burns and bites

Parasites and Malaria

MRSA, Strep, Staph, Candida, Aspergillus, HIV,

Purifies water in 1.5 minutes

Deactivates harmful hormones

Abnormal cells as in breast cancer, Sarcoma, Leukemia, cervical cancer, Human Papilloma virus,

Epstein Barr virus, Influenza, Parainfluenza, Cytomegalovirus (cancer), SARS, Bird Flu, etc.

Silver creates stem cells in the blood stream.

Tei Fu Oil or Tei Fu Massage Lotion: Tei Fu oil is a topical analgesic and can be rubbed in to ease the pain of headaches, muscle aches, arthritis, sore throats and much more. It can be inhaled for respiratory congestion and makes a great remedy for bites and stings. It can be  rubbed unto the chest for congestion. It is an excellent remedy for sore throats or dry throats. Just put one drop on your pinky finger and pop that into your mouth. It can be taken several times a day if needed.


Peppermint Oil: Peppermint oil settles the stomach where there is nausea and vomiting and eases gas and bloating. It can also help to promote mental alertness.


AL-J Liquid or Capsules:  If you are prone to colds and respiratory congestion, this is a great remedy for clearing mucus from the lungs and sinuses. It is useful for coughs, colds, earaches, digestive upset and allergies.

Aloe Vera Gel A high quality aloe vera gel is useful to keep on hand for burns, sunburn, abrasions and other skin irritations.

IF-C: Steven Horn says: No first aid kit is complete without something for pain. This natural anti-inflammatory is a great remedy for easing pain and promoting recovery from minor injuries, headaches and other aches and pains.

Nature’s Fresh: This product is great to have on hand for stains and odors, but it is also an amazing topical spray for helping to ease pain and promote healing. You can spray it on all kinds of minor injuries and painful areas to ease pain and promote healing.

Other Products: 

Kelp – 4 caps for iodine for radioactivity, thyroid, weight loss

Pau D’Arco lotion – scratches, bruises, itchy skin, rashes

Zerenity- anxiety, panic, feeling scattered