Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Newsletter Monday Dec 21/2020


Teleconference calls

From Jerry

the Leading Cause of Death and Injury in the United States is the American Medical System:

The number of people having in-hospital, adverse drug reactions to prescribed medicine is 2.2 million;

The number of unnecessary antibiotics  prescribed annually for viral infections is now some tens of millions!

The number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million;

The number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million;

Medical journals report that pharmaceutical drugs kill over 100,000 people each year in the USA!

Medical journals report that pharmaceutical-based medicine is one of the leading causes of death and injury in developed countries.

Drug companies exercise a dictatorial influence over the mass-media, through ownership and advertising revenue, as well as upon party politicians through 'donations'. Meanwhile, doctors who heal by inexpensive natural means, thereby threatening pharmaceutical profits, are decried as quacks, driven out of the country or into jail. (24)

John D Rockefeller, lived in excellent health to the age of 98 as did his son John D Jr., who died aged 86. What was their secret to a long healthy life? Both attributed this to a frugal diet of natural food, the advice of a homeopathic doctor only, and the complete avoidance of synthetic drugs

This is the season of the birth of our Savior. So I thought about his work on the earth. Throughout his life, the Savior went about healing all kinds of diseases (Mark 1:34). One example is when the woman with an issue of blood reaches out to Jesus amidst a crowd and touches His garment and is immediately healed. What makes this story so interesting is that Luke tells us that she “spent all her living upon physicians,” but that none of them could heal her (Luke 8:43-48). It was her faith in the power of Jesus Christ that made her whole. Then for those who do not have the same faith that this woman did plants which we call herbs were created for us. So I thought about those plants. They were created not by then hands of man but by the hands of a heavenly intelligence. The energy of Christ is actually in those herbs and plants. It is no wonder their healing power is so effective.

According to an unprecedented 2018 study, the HPV vaccine reduces fertility by almost 50%

In 2014, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association released a chilling statement suggesting that they had, “found an antigen that causes miscarriages in a [vaccine] being administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the World Health Organization and UNICEF.” Priests throughout Kenya immediately began advising congregations to refuse the vaccine.

The same antigen, called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), developed by the WHO task force on birth control vaccines has been found in numerous tetanus shots around the world. In cases like Thailand, spontaneous abortion (or miscarriage) was reported within 24 hours of receiving the shot. One report suggests that “The World Health Organization only targeted women between the ages of 15 and 45 — the child bearing years — for repeated tetanus vaccinations

Percy Schmeiser claims moral and personal victory in Supreme Court Decision  2020

by Percy Schmeiser, 22 May 2004:

All I did was save my seed from year to year. Now it is clear that a company’s patent will take precedence over the rights of farmer’s to save and reuse their seed.

Farmer’s should be concerned about this judgment as they now may lose their ability to continue with this practice. I believe that this ruling is an injustice and Parliament must act to ensure that farmer’s rights are protected. The playing field between farmer’s rights and the bio-tech companies rights has been tilted towards the companies with this decision.

I have always campaigned on the right of a farmer to save and re-use his own seed. This is what I have been doing for the last 50 years. I will continue to support any efforts to strengthen the rights of a farmer to save and re-use his own seed.

I also believe that Monsanto will face huge liability issues down the road.

Emergency Use of Herbs

This past weekend I had a call from a lady who had been to a dentist to have her tooth extracted. It became infected but she refused to use antibiotics. She called me instead. This is what I said:

Cat’s Claw about 4 three times a day

Silver Gel or SilverGuard every hour until it heals.

This she did. She went back to the dentist today. He asked her if she used the antibiotics and she quietly said No. I used Cat’s Claw herbs and Silver Gel. Both the dentist and his assistant laughed at her. The dentist was sure her mouth would be full of infection. When he peered into her mouth he was in shock. The extraction had all healed, there was no infection and a look of guilt appeared on his face!

Treat any infection with Cat’s Claw and Silver Gel.

One of my past cancer clients was out in the boonies camping when his girlfriend ended up with a dog bite. Did he panic! No, he had the Silver Gel and the Cat’s Claw. She took large doses of it and the infection totally subsided in about a day and a half.

I have 2 more dog bite stories I could tell you. Both men took the Cat’s Claw and the Silver and the infection totally subsided and the bite healed. If there is a dog bite and you go to emergency prepare to have a tetanus shot. This is a dangerous shot. I have witnessed one of my cancer clients die after having a tetanus shot of which he was totally not prepared for.


Signs of Heart Attacks, Strokes, Pain, Blood Clots, Heart Cancer

You have all heard Michelle’s story. Her husband was diagnosed with cancer of the heart. Michelle did a consultation with me for her husband because he was too sick. The doctor gave him days to live.  I taught her the Emergency Protocol. When her ended up with these symptoms that is what he did. No doctor was needed. No ambulance with called. He overcame his severe symptoms. What he did not know was that he should have continued with the MC protocol for about 3 more days. This is where further education is required. Michelle also gave him 3 smoothies a day with some supplements. As of last month this man was able to go to work every single day. He is no

MC 8 all at once

Capsicum opened into water or juice or Chlrophyll, about 2 to 3 capsules

Repeat the Capsicum and water every 15 minutes.

Repeat this process three time a day if needed.

Donna had a blood clot that was very painful. She also followed this protocol and overcame the blood clot situation. She did this protocol for 3 days. She is on the call.

Vye called me this past weekend to thank me for helping her heal a concussion she had after a fall. Vye had experienced horrible headaches.  She also followed this protocal and her brain healed within 10 days and the headaches totally subsided. She was so very happy with these results. I also want to acknowledge Fran who always attends my calls and she was able to coach Vye and help her.

Dr. Joen followed this protocal when her husband had a serious widow maker heart attack. The doctors at the Mayo Clinic were blown away. They all invited Dr Joen to be a speaker at the Mayo Clinic. Some were impressed, some were intrigues and most just walked away. They just could not believe that these natural remedies are that powerful. The end result is that nothing came of this story. People continue to die needlessly because doctors are trained to believe in the box of pharmaceuticals. Then there is the problem of license. If a doctor steps outside that box then his license is under threat.

Capsicum You can also sprinkle capsicum into bleeding wounds to help stop the bleeding. Capsicum can be taken internally to help stop internal bleeding, too

Lobelia is an antispasmodic that relaxes muscle cramps or spasms and can be used to ease pain, relax the body during anxiety attacks and stress, ease asthma attacks, and relieve tension headaches. Lobelia can also be used as an emetic to induce vomiting in cases of food poisoning or flu. Steven Horne

Tei Fu Oil or Tei Fu Massage Lotion: Tei Fu oil is a topical analgesic and can be rubbed in to ease the pain of headaches, muscle aches, arthritis, sore throats and much more. It can be inhaled for respiratory congestion and makes a great remedy for bites and stings. I've also rubbed it into the chest for congestion. I think it's one of the best topical analgesics on the market.

Tei Fu Oil is excellent for dry mouth or sore throats.

IF-C: No first aid kit is complete without something for pain. This natural anti-inflammatory is a great remedy for easing pain and promoting recovery from minor injuries, headaches and other aches and pains. This is one where you would have to take 4 three times a day.

Nature’s Fresh: This product is great to have on hand for stains and odors, but it is also an amazing topical spray for helping to ease pain and promote healing. You can spray it on all kinds of minor injuries and painful areas to ease pain and promote healing. We heard from Lana last week who mixed with coconut oil and inserted it into her rectum to heal hemorrhoids.

Diarrhea: Cat’s Claw and Psyllium Hulls makes an excellent remedy for diarrhea. It absorbs substances that are irritating the colon and firms up the stool. You can also take infection-fighting remedies such as Silver Shield, Ultimate Echinacea and/or Immune Stimulator internally if the diarrhea is caused by infection

Pau D’ Arco Lotion: is great for itchy skin, really bad rashes,. It is an anti-Candida, anti-fungal lotion.






Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Teleconference Call Monday Dec 14/20

Monday Dec 14/20

Silver Guard


Root Canals

Marilyn TAFYH Grad



Breast Cancer


Monday Dec 14/20 Call


Call with Donna Roth and guest, Marilyn and Carol  


Email of success and support

TAFYH grads

TAFYH Marilyn

Root Canals

Silver information

Success stories using Silver


Sunshine Body Lotion recipes



Good morning Donna,

Hope all is well with you and your family😊

Donna, I just wanted to share our success with NS Collagen.

Ted and I attended the presentation by Steven Horne in March on the benefits of collagen and we started taking it right away.

It took a few months to work so my advice to others is not to give up on it😊

My hair has never been healthier. At my hair appointment last week, my hairdresser commented that my hair used to break if she just touched it and now it is strong and healthy. It has to be the collagen because we haven’t done anything else differently.

Ted has noticed it in his fingernails. Now they are strong and he needs to cut them every two weeks...another result of collagen.

The best part about it is you can put it in your coffee or on anything.

We particularly like it on hot cereal with a little brown sugar.

We miss your presentations and hope to see you in 2021.

All the best,

Laurie and Ted

TAFYH Grads Congratulations


BSQ 59 to 17

Would have headaches often at least once a week and a migraine headache at least twice a month.

Has had only 1 migraine headache in the last 2 months.

Well rested after a full nights sleep.

Stomach has reduced inches and gained more stomach muscle.

Goal is now to help other people to a healthy lifestyle.

Feels well equipped to do that.



BSQ 55 to 13

Digestive issues has improved dramatically and she loves Garden Essence enzymes

Stomach pains, cramps and bloating is all gone

Instead of worrying she now focuses on gratitude and meditation.

Feels so much better.

More confidence and more energy.


BSQ 69 to 48

Diagnosed with breast cancer.

Bowel movements have improved dramatically.

Cravings for sugar are gone

Dark circles under the eyes are gone.

Every week she had a migraine headache and in the last 2 months she has had only 2migraines.

Dizziness is gone

She is now working on addressing her root canals.

Marilyn is our guest speaker.

 Excerpts from Root Cause

A root canal causes severe panic attacks and Chronic Fatigue  for one person for 10 years.

98% of women diagnosed with breast cancer had a root canal. Dr. Rau

One 40 year old suffered from back pain and chronic pain , had 2 surgeries

that failed. He removed his implants and the pain is gone.

The #1 cause of heart attack is a root canalled tooth. Bacteria cause cardiovascular disease. The body then creates cholesterol to seal off the infection to protect us.

Each tooth lies on specific meridians; breast, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, heart and so on. Every nerve ending is connected to every organ and gland in the body. Each tooth in your mouth is related to some organ or gland in your body.

Root canals always look fine in x rays but when extracted they are full of infection.

The body needs nutrients to clear up the infection; What nutrients are missing in your body?

Only those people interested in health need to remove their root canals. Dr. Owen.

It is also critical to clean out any cavitation you may have in the mouth. Many times the cavitation is next to the root canal.

After the extraction of the root canal the periodontal ligament must be cleaned out.

Dr. Boyd Haley tested 3000 root canals, and all were infected. The infection was equal to botulism.

Root canals block the energy from reaching the cells. They inhibit 93% of enzymes.

Each year 25 million root canals are done each year in America.

Prior to having any procedure done it is important to have proper nutrition, proteins, vitamins and minerals.


My recommendation before any procedure:

MC work up to 5 twice a day

Mineral Chi Tonic 3 ounces a day

Super Oil 4 a day

Cat’s Claw 4 twice a day’

Silver Guard 1 oz twice a day; hold in the mouth 6 minutes and swallow.

Silver Gel apply on the affected areas


Dr. Lipton, “ I have the ability to control my genes.”


Dr. Jay  Presentation on Silver Guard , Nature’s Sunshine liquid Nano Silver.

This Silver is outstanding and miraculous. Recently there was a study done with 18 women who suffered HPV. Interestingly enough they were all vaccinated and they still got the HPV( human papilloma) virus. What does this tell you about HPV vaccinations? All 18 women outsmarted HPV diagnosis by using Silver, not any store bought Silver but Nature’s Sunshine Silver! Yahoo for Silver! This Silver is not colloidal. It is a nano  Silver made with 2 electrons so it can recharge itself and  inhibit viruses, bacteria, fungus and molds. It is different than any other on the market because it resonates a certain frequency of 850 hertz to kill bacteria:





Food poisoning


Strep throat

Infected teeth


Injury healing

Burns: immerse into Silver for 10 minutes and the pain subsides

Drop into eyes

Breathe into lungs

Gargle for 10 minutes

Urinary tract infections; drink 6 ounces within a day

Use it on tampons for STD infections and bladder infections

Use it to purify water

Dr. Leavitt stated there was not one infection that Silver could not kill.

Dr. Jay clearly stated that NSP SilverGuard does not cause Argyria! We all sat back wondering what Argyria is.  “Argyria is a condition where silver particles accumulate in the skin tissue and make it turn blue.” Dr. Jay asked us all to warn against using homemade Silver or questionable Silver products.

 Success Stories Using SilverGuard

A thumb of one son was cut off and pouring blood. The thumb was immersed into a bowl of Silver and left for a long time. The pain subsided within a short time. Silver was taken internally and the Silver Gel was applied externally many times a day until the thumb completely healed ; the thumb that was cut off grew back on! I told you there were miracles!

 Jennifer had fungus on her leg on and off for 3 years and nothing worked. She discovered Silver Gel and applied it often and the fungus is long gone never to return.

One young son had a tick in his eyes. He drank lots of Silver and the tick totally disappeared. Silver crosses the blood brain barrier.

A daughter with MRSA on her leg and arm used Silver Gel on the affected areas and MRSA was gone.

A tile layer ended up with Alzheimer’s disease and took 3 bottles of Silver and his Alzheimer’s is gone! In this case the infection caused the Alzheimer’s.

One person with renal carcinoma took lots of Silver and it worked.

One woman with PCOS ( polycystic ovarian syndrome) was infertile and could not conceive. By taking lots of Silver the PCOS dissolved and guess what! There is a baby!


Reduction of anxiety and depression

Enhancing the immune system

Anti-Cancer properties

Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal

Balancing Hormone levels

Improves memory and learning functions.

Healthy gastrointestinal functions


Relieves constipation, nausea, headaches, fatigue and mood swings,

Release joint pain

Decrease inflammation and promotes wound healing.

Reduce pain and inflammation from auto


Anti-Wrinkle Cream

2 oz bottle with Hand and Body Lotion

Add 1 tsp of Frankinsence



Support the cellular health of your skin, lymph, veins, breasts, and connective tissues

To a 2 oz glass container add:

Hand and Body Lotion

Add 1-3 tsp lemon oil

         1-3 tsp organic orange

         1 tsp of Prosper success blend

Apply over the liver, belly, fatty areas after showering

 Cellulite Lotion

To break down cellulite deposits

2 oz of Hand and Body Lotion

1 tsp of Inspire Blend

 My aunt is 70 and has lived a very vibrant and healthy life for the most part.  She walks and gardens a lot.  She lives here in Grand Forks. Unfortunately, she is not into supplements but eats healthily.  Lately, she has been in excruciating pain!  Tests reveal that she has severe arthritis in her shoulders.  THe doctor says he doesn't know what to suggest except ibuprofen, etc.  She has begun Intra Muscular Stimulation and awaiting to see what will happen.  She can't sleep because of pain and if she takes something to sleep she awakens with even more pain from lack of movement.  You can't touch her shoulders because they are inflammed.  Her husband, thank goodness for him, has to help her out of bed, do the bed, dishes, cook and even help her dress.  She has developed bumps under her knee and one on her neck. 

She also has been diagnosed with acid reflux several years ago and is on medication for that but it isn't helping much either.  Can you help?  If you want to add this to your Monday night conference calls that would be okay as I almost always listen to them.  But if you can give us a bit of a hint before hand so that she can start a protocol that would be helpful too.  I don't even know if she will take supplements but I am hoping that she is ready to accept alternative help.  She is a retired RN and believes in the medical system but never takes the flu shot and avoids over the counter drugs.  Natalie

Eliminate all grains and sugar

Protein Digestive Aids with every meal

Smoothie with Ultimate Green Zone, Collagen, Chi Mineral Toni, Solstic Energy

KB-C 3 twice a day ; the capsules could be broken up and added to the smoothie

Tumeric Curcumin; 2 in each smoothie

Do the One Day Kidney Flush once or twice a week.

Hi Donna,

A friend has a family member with this very uncomfortable hemmorhoid situation. They are wondering what natural solutions there may be for it. Lillian

Eliminate grains and sugars.

Psyllium Hulls 1 tsp in a glass of water and a tablespoon of Chlorophyll twice a day

VariGone 4 capsules twice a day

Coconut oil mixed with Nature's Fresh Enzyme spray







Monday, December 7, 2020

Monday TeleConference Dec 7/20


Monday TeleConference Dec 7/20

What I learned from Dr. Palevsky?

Parasite Cleanses

Susan's experience

Parasites by Susan

 Parasites by Susan

Susan and her husband have travelled the world visiting over 30 different countries as they embarked in their missionary work. Susan has always had issues with her bowels; constipation followed by migraine headaches. Now back in their home Susan decided that she would resolve her bowel issues. She had previously tried other cleanses with some success but the results were minimal. That's when I came into the picture. Susan came to see me for some herbal education. This is when I designed a program for Susan and she was committed to following it with determination and focus.


Susan's program was simple. All grains, sugars, legumes, were eliminated. Each day she had a super food smoothie with Ultimate Green Zone, Solstic Energy, a Protein Powder, raw egg and water. She took LBS11 twice a day . I recommended 4 a day but Susan decided to take 4 twice a day to loosen up her bowels. I just want to remind everyone that LBS11 is a herbal supplement that cannot hurt you. It is not a drug with side effects. Within the same month Susan also did the Three Day Liver Cleanse with LIV-C, Hydrangea, Lecithin. She also drank lots of water. He noticed that her bowels were moving quite comfortably.


By the month's end there was a new experience. This morning the bowel movement was explosive with large coils of various shapes and strange looking critters.But if that was not bad enough the toilet water was filled with blood. Now for most people this would be a moment of fear and despair. For Susan it was a moment of excitement. She had expected to see something and she was prepared. There was no fear. She was in fact anticipating this great experience.


No she did not call the doctor. She called Donna Roth to share her experience and her excitement. I was just as excited as Susan was. Something huge had just cleared out of her system. Susan was feeling great. As a side note all future bowel movements no longer had blood and are all normal movements. Susan is now taking LBS11 in smaller doses and continuing with her super food smoothies.

Monday TeleConference Call with Donna Roth and Guest, Susan, Dec 7/2020


Monday TeleConference Call with Donna Roth and Guest, Susan, Dec 7/2020

TAFYH Team 58 completed TAFYH with Completion Ceremony tomorrow.

Comments: Tina

What I learned from Dr Palevsky?

Parasite Cleanses

Susan ; guest her experience


Q and A

This lesson, Your Gray Matter Matters, we have learned valuable information on ways to reduce inflammation to the brain as well as learning that the brain can be healed if the correct steps are taken.  Many physicians and specialists are beginning to see that sugar and foods that break down to sugar quickly in the blood, such as junk food, grains, gluten free foods, are the main culprit behind many brain diseases today.

We have to take action for our own health because there are too many diseases that are being left to progress cause we are told there is nothing to do for it.  Imagine where this man would be today if his wife had not pursued a different way. This is why it's so important to take that stand for your health. There is another way!

Here is a stat I would like to share with you.  Worldwide, the amount of people that take chemotherapy and radiation for cancer, there is only a success rate of 2-3%! That's it! A 2-3% success rate for cancer. How many more examples do we need before we think outside conventional medicine and try something with higher success rates?  What do these stats tell us?

I would like to share a statement from Peter, who had the courage to say "No" to his doctor's, followed the Paw Paw program and has been free of stage 4, rare bladder cancer for over 5 years, with his bladder intact! He said, " It is so frustrating to see people dropping like flies all around me from cancer because they are so scared to try anything different. I am a walking example, right in front of their eyes of what this program can do and yet they dont' try it! It's so frustrating!"

Through success stories and examples like these, we must keep the TAFYH principles going in our day to day lives because as Dr. Jay says, "May you never the know the disease you may have prevented."



Vaccine Choice Canada\

What I learned from Dr Palevsky?

He is a practicing medical doctor.

It is our body’s duty to externalize toxins by urination, bowel movements, coughing it up , blowing our noses.

This is what he has noticed about the CoVid issue.

It is a respiratory failure not a respiratory disease.

Airways are swollen and the lungs cant get rid of the oxygen.

The blood oxygen levels are low int eh 40’s and 50’s.

Therefore this is a blood disorder and not a lung disorder.

Symptoms are stuffy nose, clotting, strokes, lack of taste and smell which indicates a Zinc deficiency, Zinc ions convert CO2 into uric acid in the liver so the kidneys are eliminate it..

The oxygen is not binding to the blood. Why? There are three possible reasons.

Cyanide poisoning; agricultural chemicals are spewed into the air, the green leafy trees and plants can clean a lot of it out of the air but when there are no leaves or green plants that does not happen and the cyanide is in the air is high.

Electromagnetic pulsing can dislodge oxygen from the blood. We are looking at the 5 G technology. All cells including the blood cells are electrically charged and being exposed to these ELF and EMF fields can disrupt the blood/ oxygen binding capacity. This is where I say drink Chlorophyll which keeps the oxygen binding capacity in a healthy state. Green is copper and copper is electrical.  Be sure you have ELF and EMF protection.

Here is the big kicker. In 2017 Dr Fauci stated that there will be a surprise outbreak. Dr Palevsky stated that he was involved with the gain of function research of coronal virus to make it potent to create fatal infections. Take something benign and make it pathogenic. Such research was disallowed in the US and then moved to Wuhan, China. So this could possibly come from the flu shots.

Corona is just genetic material and cannot hurt you unless you give it a host,. The host is toxic material and corona lives in it. Noone has ever seen a virus move or has seen it alive. We are surrounded by viruses and bacteria, trillions of them. They are part of life as they destroy toxic and dead waste.

He questioned the swab test. Why would you want to swab to the base of the pituitary gland? This is a dangerous thing to do as it can possibly break the brain barrier.

A narrative has been created. There is only one thing. It is not a blood disorder, it is not a stroke, it can only be a CoVid virus and doctors are told to shut up and some are pushed out of their jobs.

Massive fear has been created. If we ask questions, we are heretics. There is  a 99% recovery rate. When people are afraid they give up their authority. People don’t want to believe that they have been lied to.

There is no more good science. It is all controlled. Something is not right here. Here is the shocking news regarding the vaccine. Testing is totally inadequate.  He called it a murder weapon. People in Europe are dying from the vaccine. No one is liable.

Humans have fallen into worshipping false gods. They have given their power to doctors, media, government and banks. This is a time to find our own inner power through intuition, gut instinct, experience, prayer. Find it and practice it. The more you do it the easier it is to overcome fear. Stand tall chin up, look people straight into their eyes, know who you are. Sometimes all that is necessary is to look them straight into their eyes in total silence and watch them back off. I have used this technique many times.

Then he said, Control your choices; your foods, where you shop, who are you supporting when you spend your money, be in your conscious mind when you make your choices.

Dr Palevsky asks that we divert contentions by asking questions such as: Are you opened to a different understanding?

We were born for this time to see the dawn of a huge transformation.

Interesting to note that it is this doctor specifically said that anti-parasite medicines have been very effective in clearing up the CoVid issue. So today I want to talk about parasite cleansing.

This comes from Tina, a TAFYH leader:

There was also a man suffering with Alzheimer's and his wife started him on therapeutic nutrition.  She gave him Para Pack as parasites can also cause debilitating brain injuries, then followed with Chi Tonic, MC, Gingko Biloba etc. In about 2 weeks’ time, she noticed his walk was better as he would shuffle his feet. After a few weeks more, he was interacting with people in the meeting room of their building, began reading a book and just became more "alive" each day.  Imagine her happiness when she stated, " I have my partner back!".

Para Pak is a parasite cleanse:

It is recommended that you do the one week Taio He Pak before the Para Pak. Para Pak has in it:

 Herbal Pumpkin

Caprylic Acid with black walnut

Elecampane with turmeric, garlic, clove

Take the contents of one packet 15 minutes before breakfast and 15 minutes before dinner for 10 days along with a full glass of water. Use LBS11 with this cleanse.

Now 10 days after doing the Para Pak do another 10 days of Para Pak. This allows time for any larvae to hatch and be destroyed during the second cleanse.

This cleanse destroys parasites, fights Candida, absorbs toxins from the bowels and improves digestion, shrinks inflamed tissues, enhances circulation of nutrients and removal of wastes from the cells.

After completing this cleanse take Probiotic 11 about 10 with your evening meal for about 1 bottle.

This was Dr Kathy Deane’s favorite Parasite Cleanse. She would come to our classes with bottles of formaldehyde filled with samples of parasites that people had passed.

Dr Hulda Clark’s Parasite Cleanse
This is the cleanse I would give my kids when they were growing up.

Take 7 Artemisia on an empty stomach before breakfast. An adult dose is  7 capsules 2 times a day.

Take Black Walnut 2 three times a day along with Black Walnut extract which goes into the blood.

Do this for 10 days.

Allana passed a worm the size of a ruler after doing TAFYH for 2 months. Now in TAFYH we eliminate all grains, starches, pop, alcohol, junk foods and we do a super food smoothie with Chi Minera. Collagen, Solstic Energy and we take Psyllium Hulls and LBS11 every day. Just doing the TAFYH program dislodges those parasites.

Today I have Susan on the call and I will let her tell you her experience.

Susan and her husband have travelled the world visiting over 30 different countries as they embarked in their missionary work. Susan has always had issues with her bowels; constipation followed by migraine headaches. Now back in their home Susan decided that she would resolve her bowel issues. She had previously tried other cleanses with some success but the results were minimal. That's when I came into the picture. Susan came to see me for some herbal education. This is when I designed a program for Susan and she was committed to following it with determination and focus. 

Susan's program was simple. All grains, sugars, legumes, were eliminated. Each day she had a super food smoothie with Ultimate Green Zone, Solstic Energy, a Protein Powder, raw egg and water. She took LBS11 twice a day . I recommended 4 a day but Susan decided to take 4 twice a day to loosen up her bowels. I just want to remind everyone that LBS11 is a herbal supplement that cannot hurt you. It is not a drug with side effects. Within the same month Susan also did the Three Day Liver Cleanse with LIV-C, Hydrangea, Lecithin. She also drank lots of water. He noticed that her bowels were moving quite comfortably. 

By the month's end there was a new experience. This morning the bowel movement was explosive with large coils of various shapes and strange looking critters.But if that was not bad enough the toilet water was filled with blood. Now for most people this would be a moment of fear and despair. For Susan it was a moment of excitement. She had expected to see something and she was prepared. There was no fear. She was in fact anticipating this great experience. 

No she did not call the doctor. She called Donna Roth to share her experience and her excitement. I was just as excited as Susan was. Something huge had just cleared out of her system. Susan was feeling great. As a side note all future bowel movements no longer had blood and are all normal movements. Susan is now taking LBS11 in smaller doses and continuing with her super food smoothies.