Teleconference Monday, July 19/21
Guest Maggie on TAFYH
Xenoestrogens vs Phytoestrogens vs Estrogens
Flax Hull Lignans
Herbal success stories from Donna Roth, BA, BEd, MH (250) 764-2852
Teleconference Monday, July 19/21
Guest Maggie on TAFYH
Xenoestrogens vs Phytoestrogens vs Estrogens
Flax Hull Lignans
BSQ dropped
from 24 to 8
temperature increased from 36.2 to 36.5
Second time
doing TAFYH
stomach pain is gone
back to normal
Joint pain
gone; tried everything in the past
continue to work on Candida by doing the Candida saliva test
Has become
a Flax seed bread wizard
Has a clear
understanding of how my body works
Allowed me
to do my running
developed a thirst for nutritious foods
The K Flush
moved out a lot of emotions
Did the
Gall Bladder cleanse and passed many dissolved gall stones
Now more
intentional about body systems
inspired my wife and kids
Sleep has
Lost 7
pounds and is much more stronger
Love the
Love your
spark and I support you,.
Its been an
honor to be a part of Team 61.
I really
get Donna’s commitment and love for the well being of humanity and will forever
by grateful to be a part of this.
It had a
big impact on my life and others I will share with.
I also want
to recognize Michael Donck for introducing me to this program in 2016.
commitment and love for me will be forever remembered.
Also the
work that Donna has done in setting his up is really something to be recognized
as amazing.
She has put
and incredible amount of work into this program and I am now another
spokesperson for TAFYH.
BSQ dropped
from 44 to 19
Nervous 7
to 4, Glandular 8 to 4, Structural 3 to 1
temperature increased from 35.9 to 36.3
still positive and needs work
Brain fog
50% gone
lots of parasites
problems, itchiness gone
Dropped 8
showed energy has increased from 5. 5 to 6.1 out of 10
cycle is now normal
are gone
have cleared
side has totally got caught up in diagnosis and names
This course
has a whole lot of gems and wisdom, empowering and easy to follow
repetition, putting it into action and structured and a bit rigid
The spokes
of a wheel are all dealt with in this course
There is an
emotional plan and a believing vision plan and a plan to raise vibrations with
cheers and laughter
TAFYH is a
wonderful, comprehensive program, packed with so many gems of wisdom.
is a wealth of knowledge and has put years into this course.
testimonials are invaluable motivation.
are just as important as the lessons are as they feed the emotional heeling
part of the process.
could relate to them personally or to someone I know that could benefit.
information is presented in a strategic but easy to follow format.
accountability, team atmosphere and repetition are what make TAFYH a success.
the knowledge is only the first step. Putting it into action, staying
positive and making it part of your lifestyle is where the magic happens.
No more
doctors practicing on me
10 to 8, Circulation 6 to 4, Urinary 6 to 2
Candida has
less strings
temperature increased from 36.1 to 37.2
Clothes fit
better, lost 9 lbs.
shortness of breath when I climb stairs.
Cleared up
infection in teeth using Silver Guard
Cleared up
skin rashes from the CoVid shot using Rejuvenaid and Pine Needle Oil
Sleep has
now improved and no more 3 pm naps
No more
waking up at night
Did the
Kidney Flush
shortness of breath
In walking
muscle strength has increased
No obey the
Laws of Nature
diagnosed with Lupus, arthritis, and was told I was just getting old.
My daily
routine of ionic breathing, exercising, eating right foods and taking my
supplements and drinking water with chlorophyl creates healing.
I am
blessed with the truth now FOREVER CHANGED.
I am
eternally grateful for the divine appointment of meeting Donna in the Monday
conference call
which has
become a ongoing current updating source of truth. 😄
I am healed
that I may help others choose to be healed.
There is
power in numbers. I rise daily at sunrise, rested and renewed for my
purposeful life, with thanksgiving and joy and peace.
11 to 8
Nervous 10
to 12
14 to 15
temperature increased from 98.2 to 98.4
in digestion
Work needs
to be done on circulation
Sores are
not healing and will do the heavy metal cleanse with Ultra Biome DTX
Still lack
of energy
Will do the
Candida Clear program
No matter
what disease you are diagnosed with if you follow the Laws of Nature your body
will heal.
I have
gained more confidence by reading all the success stories
Its about
organ renewal not organ removal
Donna is a
born teacher, on track, on time, and committed
BSQ dropped
from 26 to 13
4 to 2, Circulation 7 to 4, Nerves 6 to 2, Glandular 2 to 1
temperature increased from 35.3 to 35.7 to 36.5
Pressure -decreased
Saliva Test- saliva sits on top of water. No candida. July 7/21.
energetic throughout the day!
I feel I am
more calm
Only up
once at night (if at all on some nights)
Sleeping 7
Easy to
wake up and feel good for the day.
stiffness and joint pain Gone!
for sugar are gone.
will power to say NO to unhealthy food.
cleanse- completed today July 7/21. Successful- expelled about 80 or more pea
size to marble size stones.
cleanse- no significant observations
I have
become more aware of how important it is the remove my toxic teeth
I have found
that this course has changed my whole outlook on our health care system and
what I can do differently to bring healing to myself and others.
I have
gained more confidence and knowledge to share with others who ask for holistic
health advice.
the 5 Pillars of health and the need to address them with nutrients and proper
protocol was very enlightening.
Will work
on extracting the root canals
great course, empowering
suffer needlessly
There is a
whole misconceptions about cholesterol; no such thing as a bad cholesterol
I have
become a fearless leader
Donna’s passion; teaches us true health
Donna asks the question.”Do we have a plan for our health?
"No plan=No Health,
"No health=NO life”
Thank you Donna for everything.
Blessings to my Team 61 for their pursuit of health and healing for their
BSQ dropped
from 84 to 61
temperature increased from 35.7 to 36.6
Lost 20
More energy
Can cope
with stress
forward to waking up every morning
Less pain
for sugar gone
of food choices
Craves the
address my teeth
Give help
to others
We have
been chosen for this time.
Team 61 July 8/21
:The information that we have received over the 2 months of this course has
been invaluable.
are so many AHHA moments for me over the course of the 2 months.
Nerves 6-4,Glandular 2-1,Structural 1-0
(I must have add my May scores up wrong-
Candida Saliva Test- saliva sits on top of water. No
candida. July 7/21.
More energetic throughout the day!
I feel I am more calm
Only up once at night (if at all on some nights)
Sleeping 7 hours
Easy to wake up and feel good for the day.
Morning stiffness and joint pain Gone!
Cravings for sugar are gone.
Increased will power to say NO to unhealthy food.
Gallbladder cleanse- completed today July 7/21. Successful-
expelled about 80 or more pea size to marble size stones.
Kidney cleanse- no significant observations
Bloating gone
I have become more aware of how important it is the remove
my toxic teeth
I have found that this course has changed my whole outlook
on our health care system and what I can do differently to bring healing to
myself and others.
I have gained more confidence and knowledge to share with
others who ask for holistic health advice.
Understanding the 5 Pillars of health and the need to address
them with nutrients and proper protocol was very enlightening.
Very informative and interesting Lessons each day.
Lisa – TAFYH Team 61
BSQ : dropped from 44 to 19, Nerves 7 to 4, Glandular 8 to
4, Structural 3 to 1
Body temp. 35.9 to 36.3
Candida test is still positive but I know that I can beat
this! Cravings have stopped.
I have eliminated the following symptoms:
Anxiety or nervous tension, constipation or dry stools,
dizziness or light headedness, fatigue in the afternoons, food sits heavy on the
stomach after eating, itchy nose and ears, skin problems, wheezing or shortness
of breath. expelled at least 2 parasites
that I didn’t know I had, dropped 8 pounds, skin feels better, tighter abdomen,
mind is clearing, lungs & sinuses are clearer, more energy. Periods are
more normal.
Bio-pulsar reflexograph (biofeedback) readings:
Start average energy 5.51/10 with 9/46 low energy organ
readings, Average Chakras 51%
Ending average energy reading 6.10/10 that’s an 11% increase
with only 3 low energy organ readings. Average Chakra 57%
• The
Disease Tree Model. It is simple yet so
profound. It nicely sums up all the of wisdom from the other lessons. We Simply need to focus on the 4 rood causes:
Nutritional Deficiencies, Toxic Overload, Physical Trauma and Mental/Emotional
Stress. There is no need to get all
caught up in the hype of the naming of symptoms and medical terminology and the
fear. Keep it simple and positive - see
the BSQ starting score as having “room for improvement” and go from there.
• Think of
the body in systems rather than separate organs: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
& Wood
• Hering’s
Law of Cure. We heal from the Head
down. We heal from within out. We heal in reverse order as the symptoms have
appeared or been suppressed.
• Emergency
First Aid Kit – love this lesson
• The
importance of Dental care/connection to organs and the danger of root canals
which are linked to so many diseases
TAFYH is a wonderful, comprehensive program, packed with so
many gems of wisdom. Donna is a wealth
of knowledge and has put years into this course. The testimonials are invaluable
motivation. They are just as important
as the lessons are as they feed the emotional heeling part of the process. I could relate to them personally or to
someone I know that could benefit. The
information is presented in a strategic but easy to follow format. The accountability, team atmosphere and
repetition are what make TAFYH a success.
Having the knowledge is only the first step. Putting it into action, staying positive and
making it part of your lifestyle is where the magic happens.
Some other health plans lay out a regiment of supplements
and exercise but miss the key emotional & energetic parts of the
equation. Donna has done a fabulous job
of checking all the boxes!! I think the
energetic parts are of TAFYH are critical.
We must get into the feeling of that which we are trying to manifest.
Healing is a mind, body & spiritual journey.
Everyone on our team has achieved positive results and is
leaving with more vitality than when they started. This program has an amazing ripple effect on
families and friends. When we raise our
vibrations, it raises the vibration of those around us.
The morning calls were a great way to start the day. The calls were structured. We got right to the point and still had time
for cheers and laughter along the way.
This might be the last official week of TAFHY team 61 but in
many ways this is just the beginning. My
personal health vision is looking bright and I plan to share this with family,
friends and clients for years to come😊 My heartfelt thanks to
you Donna Roth. I would definitely
recommend this program to anyone in need of healing.
MY 3 ring binder grew weekly from lessons and recorded responses for me and my team 61.
Reminds me, when I the student wanted to learn, the teacher
appears. 43 TAFYH lessons was directed at knowing the truth of the laws of
nature and Nature Sunshines body system application to my needs to my BSQ
numbers. I adopted daily ionic breathing
when I understood the benefits. Example: For every inhalation of the left
nostril, a negative element current flows down the left side of the spine. The
left nostril functions as a chamber for NEGATIVE IONS.
A note my genes are not in control of me but I am in control
of my genes. My commintmemt to Tafyh had
me focus on my Four root causes of my
Tree: nutritional deficiencies, toxic overload, physical
trauma and mental emotional stress.
Everything found inTafyh is not only scientifically
documented healing by eliminating wrong foods, eating the right foods and
taking super foods.
My shopping list was easily created with many more choices
for my best health. Lesson 8 brought me the info of the properties of all
Nature's sunshine products. Plants have been used for medicinal purposes for
thousands of years. The oral ingestion
of herbs play a significant part of my optimal health.
The consequences of insufficient oxidation due to foreign
toxins in the blood, lack of minerals and lack of oxygen are the REAL cause of
The four elimination channels are skin, kidneys and
bowels. I know my skin is the largest
organ and to prove skin's absorbtion levels I placed a clove of garlic between
my toes and found very quickly garlic oder on my breath. They rid the body of
food waistes and metabolic waistes that would otherwise support the growth and
multiplication of harmful germs and viruses. The 43 lessons are for me and mine
and old friends and new to share the truth of the laws of nature found in TAFYH
course and Natures Sunshine
I am on a continual learning curve found in my TAFYH
commitment. Trading bad habits and adopting good ones started with my first
class 61at 7:59 am Monday to Friday. Return on my investments inTAFYH is life
changing and perpetual. I am eternally grateful to Donna and Nature Sunshine's
commitment to the highest standard of products.
I have learnt so much
from the classes , the Monday teleconference and the team 61 testimonies and
the on going research to educate and
know the truth.
Detoxing my bladder, colon, kidneys, Candida, blood and
using toxic free cleaning products and having a first aid kit is what every living
person needs.
Team 61 we are strangers only once: we can reconnect to hear
more chapters of our continual healing and sharing.
My daily routine of ionic breathing, exercising, eating
right foods and taking my supplements and drinking water with chlorophyl
creates healing. Practicing
accountability, reading the lessons, completing the chart and reporting to my
tag team builds leadership skills and is duplicatable.
Being aware of the condition of my food supply and water and
ALL the harmful ingredients and elements to my health, I can make better
choices for food and supplements and share the truth.
I am blessed with the truth now FOREVER CHANGED.
I am eternally grateful for the divine appointment of
meeting Donna in the Monday conference call which has become a ongoing current
updating source of truth. 😄
I am healed that I may help others choose to be healed. There is power in
numbers. I rise daily at sunrise, rested
and renewed for my purposeful life,
with thanksgiving and joy and peace. I welcome sleep when
the sun goes down, remembering my new saragot family from TAFYH class. You are the begining of my healing,
Throughout the Tafyh class I wrote on cards my incoming
Nature Sunshine Products + dosage info.
I made a food card for shoping from lesson 6 & 7.
(No grains, dairy, sugar, legumes or lectons or yeast foods
or processed food or microwave)
I find delicious variety in salades + raw snacks, grass fed
beef, free range chicken + eggs, + Pacific wild salmon. I bake, poach, steam +
stir fry with coconut oil, + love TAFYH recipes.
Following TAFYH lessons + I check off my list:
I sleep well when the sun sets to when the sun rises.
I am refreshed,
renewed + no naps at 3pm.
I have more energy to accomplish more.
I drink Chlorophyll +
water all day to oxygenate my blood.
Colostrum binds any lectons in my blood.
At bedtime I cleans with Psyllium Hulls + LBS II.
Eliminate after each meal.
Clothes fit better,
lost 9 lbs.
No shortness of breath when I climb stairs.
Ionic breathing outdoors and walking every day has increased
my energy to build muscle because if I do Not use my muscles, I will loose my
muscle strength.
Morning temperture started at 36.1 now 37.2
For 79 years when I had any pain my Drs. cut out my tonsils, appendices and gallblader. I went to
school with no hair because when I got
wring worm on my scalp Dr. shaved my head put cream and bandaids and
pulled the bandages off. At 52 I was
diagnosed with Basil cancer on my scalp,
more cuting spots on my
head. Wigs where my cover up for thin
.Diagnosed Lupus, Arthritis, malabsorption, prescribed
antibiotics, vacines + prescription drugs that gave me more declining health +
no other choice because Drs. say my health declines because I am aging at 39,
45, 57, 63, 68, 74, 77, now 79.
Now I am in control of my genes. I inherited
good genes. My mom + grand father
grew up on a farm + lived to 90 + 94. I am addressing the four main causes of
prodicals that obey the Laws of Nature + I use Nature Sunshine Products to DO
NO HARM + to help my body heal itself.
My vision board has my brain focused to believe to become my best
I carry with me a written card of MY THERAPEUTIC HEALTH PLAN
A-ACTIVE: I DAILY exercise, ionic breathing + 4 Cat's
my lymphatic system.
B-Build I daily eat right foods. No grains, sugar, dairy,
legumes, yeast.
I have Super Food with all the energy colours to build
Red: Fire; Nervous System: Rejuvenaid, Solstic Energy, Chinese Mineral Tonic
Yellow: Earth; Lymphatic System-Flax Hull Lignans
White: Metal Vascular System; Collagen in daily
Blue: Water, Cerebral Spinal System, Water + just ordered
Zambia for bioflavinoids from 14 fruits to increase antioxidants + oxygen
GREEN: Electrical System; I use chlorophyll in water +
4 Ultimate Green Zone
C-Cleanse; At bedtime, take Psyllium Hulls + LBS II,
Done bowel cleanse, kidney flush, liver flush
D-Direct herbals for my specific body system,
Digestive; Probiotic II
Intestinal: LBS 11, Psyllium Hulls Combination,
UltraBiome Dtx intestinal + heavy metal cleanse
Circulatory: CoQ10 (Heart Murmur) ordered Mego Chefor in
place MC
Nervous: Stress Pack, adding Focus ATM for MEMORY + Immune:
Cat's Claw
Rejuvenaid for covid protein spikes + Pine Needle Extract on hands for
vacine shedding
Urinary: done K + Hydrangea flush + LBS II @ bedtime
Glandular: Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic from US
Structural: Collagen, Bones KB-C, Ordered Zambia
For Emotions:
Wood Element; LIV-C for frustration, liver meridian formula
Water Element: KB-C for fear kidney/spinal fluid formula
Inflamation Identification;
mercury fillings, made a dentist appointment, secured
Tafyh prodical, use Silver guard 6 minutes mouth flush till
mercury removal is done. No gum bleeding
or teeth pain.
I take no prescriptions, grains, sugar, pop, alcohol,
microwaved food,
Take Rejuvenaid to combat covid vacine protein spikes + pine
needles extract on hands for vacine shedding
I journal my expressed gratitude daily.
Cleanses done:
First cleanse UltraBiome DTX for intestinal + heavy metals
Liver 3 day cleanse
One day kidneys flush
Bowel cleans daily with psyllium Hulls + Lbs II
Cleanses TO DO:
CANDIDA CLEAR for positive yeast test
TAIO HE PACK for bowel cleanse
Para packfor parasites cleanse
Clean Start bowel cleanses with psyllium Hulls,
bentonite. LBS 11 + Body Detox
Detox basics: a liver cleanse
Oral chelation; heavy metal, triglyceride, metabolic waste
I am changing my bad habit for healthy habits.
My first BSQ 43, structural 10, circulation 6, urine 6
Now BSQ 3, structural 8 circulation 4 urine 4
All going in the right direction.😄
My 2nd Disease Tree has changed from the first.
Chinese herbal formulas definitely have a part in my body
healing itself.
My roomate of over 10 years wants to start doing what I have
learnt. My church family and my tag team
have doubts, except one shared his
shingle challenges and I shared yesterday Donna's Shingles testimonies and
prodicals to help his body to heal itself. Results forth coming. As a prayer
partner for 35 years, I have witnessed answered prayers and now I can lead by
example using Tafyh protocol with
Nature's Sunshine Products for the blessing that they are. Amen
2 top front teeth, 2 bottom right, and all
mercury fillings in my mouth. Over many
years, I had several panic attacks and heart palpitations often throughout my
life. I got tested many times and was told it was just stress related. I never related it to the root canals.
I wish I had listened to Donna’s advice
panoramic X-Ray of my teeth, and again they
said my front teeth were fine.. It cost me #350 for the panoramic & I got
nothing. They refused to take them out. Meanwhile, I was getting severe pains
in my right knee joint which was increasing – my whole right meridian side
(where the teeth were) was starting to ache – pains in my right elbow, big toe
on my right foot, and knee.. At the medical center, the doctor told me I had a
cyst in my right knee, and they may have to operate.. I could hardly walk by
then without heavy limping and pain shooting down my right leg. I had to sit
down every few minutes whenever I walked. In 2018-19, I had all my mercury
fillings gradually changed. I was getting desperate, and finally again I told
my dentist to remove them or I would go somewhere else to have it done. It took over 6 months, and by then it was Oct
2018. He agreed to remove them only if I was to take an impression for a partial
denture for my top teeth to cover the space in front. I agreed and ordered a
non-metal denture asap. I waited another 2 weeks for it to be ready, and
finally on Nov 30, 2018, I got my 2 front root canal teeth removed. He had me
sign a non-responsible release paper not to be liable for the removal. Again he
admitted the teeth were infected. I felt a huge pressure being released. I
continued to take silver, cat’s claw, MC, curcumin, nutritious smoothies, and started
on the Paw-Paw program since my right meridian side was still very painful. It
took another 6-8 months with the program & doing weekly kidney flushes to
heal and completely get rid of the cyst in my right knee and leg. I now realize that you need to remove the
source of the inflammation to heal properly.
Now my latest story is my last set of root
canals – again bottom right side were starting to be sensitive all of last
year.. My right ear was starting to block often, and now my right elbow joint
was getting more & more painful. Because of the pandemic, I couldn’t go to
the dentist until this year, Finally, 2 weeks ago, I had the bottom 2 teeth on
right removed. He did not argue with me this time, but I had to sign release
papers again. Immediately, I felt my right ear unblock and both my ears felt
clearer. Now I am working on my right elbow joint with weekly kidney flushes
& Paw-Paw again for next 3 mths. I am grateful for all the health knowledge
Donna teaches people to help your body heal naturally.
From the Desk of Donna Roth June 27/21
With Love and Gratitude I invite you to attend:
Monday TeleCall with Donna Roth and Guests
June 28/21 at 5:45pm PST
Dial 604 227 1018
Please register for my new TAFYH team 63; to
start in about 10 days.
Agenda this Monday:
You think you have done your research, but you don’t know what you are
about to discover!
Did you know there is more than one way to immunize!
Why you need to stay electrical?
Guest: Amina, her success story and what she learned from her sister,
the doctor.
Words of Wisdom from Carol
Q and A Please send your questions to
Archived calls are on
Click on Teleconference Calls.
Why do I stress the importance of Nature’s Sunshine Cat’s
Claw Combination and SilverGuard?
I have witnessed antibiotics cause cancer in 3 different
people that I have worked with.
There are 2 ways to immunize. One is via nutrition and
the other is via a poison.
The media is full of coronavirus and the push is for
Vaccines are all genetically engineered, and no one really
knows what is in them!
It is my mission to have every teleconference participant
stand fearless, in confidence knowing what to do in pandemic threatening
A powerful statement:
“Every time we turn our heads the other way when we
see the law flouted,
when we tolerate what we know to be wrong, we close our
eyes and ears to the corrupt
because we are
too busy or frightened to speak up or speak out, we strike a blow against
freedom and
decency and justice.” Bobby Kennedy
"Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of
the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time. Conscientious
objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole
world, in defense of their conviction.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
You think you have done your research, but you don’t
know what you are about to discover!
From the Health Canada website
In order to
provide rapid access to AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine for Canadians, AstraZeneca
will provide product vials and cartons labelled in English-only for a limited
time period.
professionals are advised that:
• The approved Canadian Product
Monograph, which is available in French and English on Health Canada’s Drug
Product Database, the federal government’s website or
at, should be used for complete product information.
• The following important
Canadian-specific information is absent from the COVAX vial and carton labels:
o Drug Identification Number (DIN)
o name and address of the Canadian
DIN holder
o name and address of the Canadian
importer and distributor
o all corresponding text in French
I do know
that it is not lawful to sell or distribute a product without a DIN # provided on
the label. Paw Paw for example was not
given a DIN # by Health Canada which means that Paw Paw is not available for
sales in Canada. Yet along comes an AstraZeneca product without a DIN # and it
is allowed to be distributed across Canada.
information is dated March 1/21.
Original signed by
Dr. Neil Maresky, M.B., B.Ch.
Vice President, Scientific Affairs
Authorization of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine with English-only Vial and
Carton Labels
“Every time we turn our heads the other way when we see the law flouted,
when we tolerate what we know to be wrong, we close our eyes and ears to
the corrupt
because we are too busy or
frightened to speak up or speak out, we strike a blow against
freedom and decency and justice.”
Bobby Kennedy
Amina; Guest
There is more than one way to immunize.
The definition of immunization is interesting.
Immunization, or immunisation, is the process by which an individual's
immune system becomes fortified against an agent.
Immunization :the action of making a person or animal immune to
infection, typically by inoculation.
Notice how that word inoculation is now part of the definition and in
the first definition it is missing.
So we think that vaccination or inoculation is the only way to immunize.
Now what is the other way to immunize?
It is through our God given nutrition. Where do we find it?
It is not necessarily found in a grocery store as there is no
nutritional analysis done on the fruits and vegetables we purchase. So to
fortify your immune system you need a therapeutic nutrition. I love the quality
control labs located at the Natures Sunshine labs.
One of them is a Mass Spect technology where live cells from a human
body are exposed to the plant’s energy field. If the plant is therapeutic the energy
field of the plant lights up he energy field of the human cells. Such technology
enables you to trust that you are getting energy from the plants, superfoods
you are buying from Natures Sunshine.
If plants are inundated with chemicals or low mineral content or radiation,
then the energy from that plant would be low and therefore not of therapeutic quality.
Your stem cell carpenters can only use high quality building blocks for cell
How do I really know if the products from Natures Sunshine are truthfully
therapeutic? I recently talked to Myles who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Myles
did my TAFYH course. He followed the program to address injury, inflammation,
elimination, infection and body temperature, After doing the
TAFYH program he sent away his urine sample to the Navarro clinic to find out how
high his HCG levels were. HCG is secreted whenever there is cancer in the body.
His first score was low at 52. 3 . He continued the program and his second test
showed 51 almost at the magic mark of 50 where there is no cancer in the body.
He knew that the program he was following was therapeutic. I will be writing his
success story shortly.
There are many people who have followed the Laws of Nature as laid out
in the TAFYH program and have achieved great success in overcoming cancers of
various kinds. Practical Solution to the Cancer Injury.
Therefore to immunize your body means to fortify your body and this is
where you can do the following:
Super Trio
Cat’s Claw combination
Super Food Smoothie
What do you do to stay electrical?
I love Dr Tom Cowan’s book on the Contagion Myth. So I want to share
this information with you. We have trillions of cells in our body and each cell
is surrounded by a membrane of saturated fat molecules.
Inside the cell, structured water with a negative charge creates a web
of fine wires to carry electrical currents through the cells. The fat around
the cells make the cells pliable and protects the cells from poisons, EMF’s
heavy metals and negative emotions. And its saturated animal fats with a supply
of cholesterol to ensure the cells are waterproof to maintain that healthy
electrical charge for cell to cell communication, to serve as carriers of Vit
A, D and K2. So lets talk about fats; butter, lard, poultry fat, and tallow and
fish oils which tells you the importance of Super Omega 3 oils or Lecithin or
Vit A and D that comes from cod liver oil.
The one important mineral for electrical conduction is copper. Chlorophyll
is high in copper. At this time of the heat in the air, we need to drink water,
Chlorophyll and add some pink salt and a tablespoon of Essential Liquid Minerals.
At this time we do not have Chi Mineral Tonic, It appears to be a Health
Canada issue. Someone decided that a new DIN # is needed.
You can take Rejuvenaild, the nitric oxide generator which provides your
body with electrolytes and builds red blood cells for you.
You can do Ionic breathing which we learn in TAFYH.
You can drink water and Chlorophyll.
From the
Desk of Donna Roth July 4/21
Love and Gratitude
invite you to attend the call this Monday
5/21 at 5:45 pm PST
1 604 227 1018
What about credentials??
What you need to know about Rejuvenaid.
Cancer Facts You Need to Know!!
Peter’s Prostate Cancer!!
What does one doctor recommend for prostate cancer?
The Protocol for Prostate Cancer.
Flax Hull Lignans; Why I recommend it.
Words of Wisdom from Carol
Q and A Please submit your questions to
Men are slightly more likely
than women of developing cancer
Cancer is the leading cause of
premature death in Canada
What are her credentials?
One day a young woman walked into my office with her sick
Dad who had been diagnosed with cancer. For those that do not know my office is
my living space. It is filled with pictures of my family, wall quilts, and
plants and of course my desk. This woman observed this space and asked where my
certificates were and what my credentials are. Of course, I knew she was referring
to academic credentials. I have all kinds of certificates, but I choose not to
clutter my walls with them. Now I pursued my consultation with her father
teaching him about the poisons that were causing his inflammation and blocking
oxygen and nutrient flow to his prostate area. I told him about the important
of eating the right foods and drinking the smoothies twice a day to raise his
body temperature. I taught him how to do the One Day Kidney Flush to clean out
the prostate area. I showed him how to use herbs like Cat’s Claw to open up his
lymphatic system to drain the poisons and Paw Paw to clean out the fungus. We
talked about cleaning the blood of heavy metals using MC. His daughter did not
hear a word I said. She was focused on ‘No Certificates on The Wall!” and in
her world I was a fraud. The father was very involved in my conversation on how
to solve his prostate cancer. As you can see there was a conflict. The daughter
was adamant that I had no credentials and that meant I was not qualified to
give any solutions to her dad’s cancer even though her Dad wanted to do the
program. Her overbearing “you have no choice here, dad” attitude crushed the
entire consultation. I could see that she was ready to argue about money as
well. I am not about people’s money. I do this work because I understand the Laws
of Nature for your health, Money is not my first priority. Money is important
and I need to make money as you all do but I do not do this work to rob you of
your money. At this point I simply stood back and the conversation stopped. I
wanted her to know I am not about anybody’s money. Her Dad wanted to buy the supplements,
but I was not about to make that decision for him. They walked out of my office
without any supplements and without even paying for the consultation with the
end conclusion that a certificate on the wall was essential to the cancer
program I offered.
So this concept of credentials has popped up on my life several
times so I want to address it.
Recently a naturopathic doctor with certificates on his wall
tried to coerce a client into taking the CoVid shot. The client walked away. Did
his credentials and his certificate give this naturopathic doctor wisdom? A certificate
on the wall means you have taken the required courses, you have been given knowledge
and knowledge is always questionable depending on who is funding the universities.
A certificate gives you knowledge but it does not give you wisdom.
Do I need credentials, a certificate on the wall to tell others to stop eating junk food? No! Lots
of people are saying exactly the same thing.
Did my great grandfather and great grandmother need credentials
to pioneer the farm that my father was raised on. No! They never attended any college or university,
and I am not even sure how much schooling they really had. Where did they learn
their incredible skills of breaking the land, raising animals, growing the
garden, raising crops. They learned it from their parents and so on down the
line. These skills were then passed on to my father who continued to farm.
These people had wisdom and deep respect
for their land that provided food for them and for their children.
I had an uncle who was a shoemaker. Did my great uncle need
credentials to be a shoemaker and to repair shoes for people? Where did he
learn his skills and wisdom ? He studied from a shoemaker who taught him.
What are my credentials? The certificates are part of my
credentials. I have learned a lot from great teachers in the past; Carol Nilsson,
Steven Horne, Jeanne Burgess, Laurence Smith, Dr Pederson, but my greatest wisdom
came from the thousands of clients I have worked with. I opened my mind, I listened and they have taught me. I never
would have learned about inflammation, and all those poisons that cause
inflammation without my intent listening to them. Its my clients, the people I have
worked with that I give credit to. No university, no college teaches you what I
have learned from real people! They are the ones who carry the wisdom.
Cancer: Peter: Prostate Success Story Jan. 2012
Peter first went to see his doctor in November of 2010 as he
had a concern with high blood sugar and needed to ask for some advice as to how
to bring down has blood sugar levels. The doctor prescribed a drug to lower the
blood sugar levels and also recommended a PSA test as a precautionary step to
prostate cancer prevention. Peter, upon having the PSA test completed,
discovered that his PSA was on the high side at 5.3. The doctor was suspicious
and sent Peter to have a biopsy tests on his prostate at the cancer clinic. The
12 samples of biopsies taken indicated that 3 of the tests showed positive
cancers. Surgery was immediately scheduled. However, Peter did not feel
comfortable with surgery and thereby refused.
Peter started the Paw Paw program in December of 2010. He stopped eating grains and sugar, fruit
juices, alcohol, and he drank smoothies every day with Chi Mineral Tonic and
Flax Hull Lignans and Solstic Energy. He took Paw Paw and Cat’s Claw and MC. Here are the PSA tests
as reported by Peter:
November 2010 PSA 5.3 Biopsies indicate 3 out of 12 samples
December 2010 started the Paw Paw program. He eliminated all
sugars, grains, legumes, milk and alcohol
January 2011 PSA 4.75
April 2011 PSA 3.5
July 2011 PSA 3.8
Peter is now off the blood sugar drugs
January 2012 PSA is 3.3
Normal PSA is 1.0 to 3.5 Peter’s tests show that he is in
the normal range of PSA . Peter is elated.
What did I learn from Peter and his experience? It was
interesting to note that as Peter’s blood was cleaned up and his sugar levels
dropped his PSA tests dropped accordingly. Once again, these tests confirm the
correlation between PSA and blood sugar. Sugar feeds cancer. This fact was
documented scientifically by Dr Otto Warburg in 1931 when in a laboratory
setting he discovered that when oxygen levels drop below 35 %, oxidation for
the purpose of healthy cell replication can no longer take place and if there
is enough sugar in that area then oxidation flips to fermentation and that is
when fungal infections become active. This is the first stage of cancer.
With another prostate cancer client sugar was not the problem.
This is also a long story. But in short this man’s PSA tests shot up to 5000 or
some other high ridiculous number. It was my job to find out what it was that
spiked this man’s PST levels. It was a tetanus shot! Stay away from the CoVid shot
as well.
Prostate Cancer - Dr Shealy
Now the greatest news about Quercetin itself. It is especially powerful in reducing the
symptoms of chronic prostatitis—a problem affecting all too many men. Quercetin has shown also to be helpful in
many forms of cancer, but especially in prostate cancer.
Effective immediately, I am revising my recommendations for
all men over 50:
• Saw
palmetto, 160 mg, double strength extract, 4 daily. With ANY prostate symptoms, increase
gradually up to 12 daily if needed to control symptoms or PSA. Incidentally, an excellent urologist told me
recently that the so-called upper limit of 4 for PSA is ONLY for men up to age
40! By 50 years of age, it can be 5 and
by 70’s, 6! No need to worry about a PSA
not above 6 at 70+ years of age and asymptomatic! He says most urologists use
the non-age “normative” of 4 because they make much more money doing biopsies!
• Nettles,
500 mg 2 daily and increase to 4 if any symptoms
Quercetin, 500 mg. 2 daily.
Increase to 4 with symptoms
Calcium-D-Glucarate, 500 mg twice daily with any symptoms or PSA above 4
So now here is a solid program for prostate health, kidney
health, bladder health
Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic 2 oz a day
Flax Lignans to sop up xenoestrogens 2 scoops a day.
Rejuvenaid 1 stick twice a day. I now recommend it as I have
discovered that it is a nitric oxide generator that scientifically has the ability
to bind those spike proteins that you my be getting from someone who has had that
CoVid shot. The spike proteins throw
your whole electrical RAAS system out of balance so the blood clots when it is
not supposed to, the heart functions abnormally, the blood flow is disrupted and
so we hear of migraine headaches, strokes, blood clots, heart attacks,
Men’s Formula 3 tablets a day will give you 624 mg Saw
Palmetto, 15 mg of Zinc, 504 mg of Gingko Biloba for circulation. Take 3
tablets 3 times a day.
HistaBlock with Quercetin
and Nettles , bitter orange bromelain . It is anti-inflammatory, antifungal and
antiviral,. It is great for problems of the kidneys, prostate and lungs because
it moves the fluids, and the mucous. Histablock is available from Nature’s
Sunshine. To reach the required dose as suggested by Dr Shealy 5 capsules a day
are required.
For prostate issues I also recommend the One Day Kidney
Flush. With the heat we are experiencing everybody should be taking K, Hydrangea
and drinking Chlorophyll and water.