I love this lesson on inflammation. The medical community
recognizes inflammation as the key to
cancers, heart diseases, arthritis, diabetes etc but they
don't know where it comes from or how
it really works. Dr. Samuel West devoted his life to the
study of inflammation and the correlation
between toxic debris and the lymphatic system in eliminating
this toxic debris throught the natural
elimination channels. The fact that TAFYH addresses inflammation
is the key to the success of our
programs. I have become the inflammation detective. I work
hard to find the key factors that cause
inflammation and then ask my clients to address it.
reason I love Cat's Claw is that it addresses
the lymphatic system. The energy from Cat's Claw gets that
debris moving through the lymphatic
system and out!! Lately several of my family members have
complained of the start of colds, sore
throats, queezy stomach. Guess what? Cat's Claw about 8
a day and some Mineral Chi Tonic and thatdid the trick. Colds gone, runny nose gone, cough gone,
queezy stomach gone!!! I would love to tell the world that it is Cat' Claw, herbal combination and
Minerals you need not antibiotics!!