From the Desk of Donna Roth August 2012
It is August
of 2012 and I have just returned from Washington, DC where I attended the
Nature’s Sunshine TAC ( Top Achievers Club) trip. Not only was I the recipient
of a wealth of American history but also
I was honored to be the recipient of two prestigious awards offered by Nature’s
Sunshine. One award was the Top Sponsor
for Canada and the second award which caught me totally by surprise was the
Top Global Sponsor. Most often such
an award would be deemed as presented to
that person who is actively out there signing up people as fast as can be just
to get them in the door of an MLM company. But such is not the case in Nature’s
Sunshine. I really had to ponder on how I became the recipient of such a
prestigious award and how other people from global distances came to also
receive their awards. The “how “ became very
clear to me when I looked at the list of names who I have sponsored into
the Nature’s Sunshine company within the last 6 months. I did not approach even
one of these people for the purpose of sponsoring them into a company. The
opposite was true. Every single one of these people approached me because they
had a serious health issue that they simply could not resolve with the present
day orthodox methods. And I took it upon myself to help those in need. I made a
difference to these very desperate people. The success stories on my site speak for themselves. So it is with
all Nature’s Sunshine distributors. We all sponsor people into this amazing
company for one reason and that is to make a difference for their health and
for their lives. “WE” make the
difference . There is no other way by which health can be restored to a
sick suffering body accept through energy
by nutrition. Yet very few people understand this very simple concept. In
this message once again I will explain what it is that we do to make a
difference. First we all need to understand
the problems:
1. Our plants’ abilities to pick up raw
mineral elements from Mother Earth have been interfered with by present day
agricultural practices. Consequently we are all MINERAL DEFICIENT.
2. The present day foods and drugs we
consume cause leaky gut . In other words those antibiotics that you are using
to supposedly kill an infection are poking holes in your gut membrane so that
proteins and foods before they are fully digested are leaking into the blood
stream. The result is sticky blood and AMINO
ACID DEFICIENCY! Those sugars and starches which you are well conditioned (
Dr Davis said gliadins were specifically
put into your grain products 40 years ago to increase your appetite.) to eating on an every day basis feeds candida
which grow hyphea roots that poke holes in your gut membrane to cause leaky
gut. More undigested meat and food particles escape into the blood stream . The
result is sticky blood and AMINO ACID
3. Sticky blood reduces the amount of
oxygen flow to every cell, tissue and organ in the body. Now you are OXYGEN DEFICIENT !
Now that the
problem is explained we move into solving the problem that causes ALL HEALTH ISSUES no matter what name
was given to them during your diagnosis which you thought you had to have in
order to solve your health problem. Just know to do this: Follow the ABC
principles to health restoration.
A Adapt a health conscious attitude. Activate your thought processes to accepting a different direction to health.
Scrap the old way of thinking which is dying out because it is not working and
people are catching on. Adapt a new
way of thinking! Recognize that you do not know what you do not know . Stop the
resistance and activate a new
approach to health. Here is the approach.
B Build
your body back to health by avoiding the sugars, grains and legumes , by eating
meats, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruits and by drinking 2 high dense nutritious Shakes a day with :
Mineral Chi Tonic to counteract mineral deficiency and increase electrical charges
Collatrim Plus
a bioavailable amino acid product to heal leaky gut
Aloe Vera juice
to heal leaky gut and cleanse the blood
Solstic Energy
to increase oxygen levels
Celtic Salt a
pinch , an unprocessed mineral salt
Lemon juice to
increase electrical charges
Berries to
increase oxygen levels
Water and ice
C Commit to your health and cleanse with:
All Cell Detox for bowels and kidneys and cells
Cat’s Claw for
your lymphatics
Chlorophyll to
cleanse the blood
D Direct your attention to any personal body
system deficiencies you may have by completing the health analyzer found on . This will help you to determine the one or two other
herbal products you may need to further
benefit your health needs.
E Enlighten your family and friends and encourage them to do the same. Get them
on board the train of health success. Together we can all make a difference!
Exercise these
health practises daily. Vision a world without cancer , without heart disease,
without diabetes, without obesity ! Be
the example.
F Freedom Make it a goal to bring people on
board Health Freedom through
Nature’s Sunshine and you can earn enough to finance your own personal health products then move to a 10%
discount to a 20% discount to a 30% discount to NSP bonus cheques to free
educational conventions to free trips to free car bonuses along with the greatest
gifts of all and that is health freedom
and financial freedom.
G Get me involved. Get the word out ! I have been with Nature’s Sunshine for 30 years
and I have built up a well researched sound educational system for your health.
In other words I have become a reputable global herbal health expert . I have even written a book called Practical Solution to the Cancer Injury that
has sold almost 4000 copies. To order a copy of this book or Mud Pies, a grain free, sugar free
recipe book go to
I can honestly say I know how health works and how healing works. I understand Hering’s Law of Cure and the healing crisis. I am so excited about
my discoveries concerning your health that I am willing to provide you with
education, consultations, classes, group consultations, lunch hour fireside
health chats, whatever it takes to get
the word out.
H The Hour is Now Procrastination never brought the
gift of health to anyone. Why wait until you are diagnosed with cancer to take
on your health. And if you find it
difficult to strictly obey the “no grain, no legume, no sugar “ principle than
know it is okay to have a cheat day. When “cheat day” happens just know to
counteract the consequences with 4 capsulses of Colostrum which is
scientifically documented to clean out
those inflammatory residues lurking in
your blood stream.
Place your order today and include:
Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic , a must for missing minerals and electrolytes
Collatrim Plus, bioavailable amino acids
Aloe Vera Juice, to heal the leaky gut
Chlorophyll, to
cleanse the blood and increase oxygen levels
Cat’s Claw ,
to keep those lymphatics fully functional
All Cell Detox to
cleanse the bowels , kidneys, liver and cells
Colustrum , to
neutralize toxic inflammatories
Solstic Energy , an antioxidant to increase oxygen levels
Herbals for
direct attention to your personal body system . The Health Analyzer at www.naturessunshine will tell you what you personally need.
I can already hear the complaints
about the cost of the products. I am here to ask you to make a choice. Either
you spend $10 a day on coffee, pop,
alcohol, junk food, sugar which leads to diabetes obesity, cancer etc or you trade these items for $10 a day on your
nutrient needs as listed above which leads to health . I am here to tell you
that your High Dense Nutritious Shake
will taste even more delicious than the junk foods and the result is energy . Energy =Health.
I leave you with these profound
thoughts of enduring health and happiness and ask that you not wait a minute
longer but dial 1 800 265 9163 to place your order with Nature’s Sunshine or
call me at 250 764 2852 .I look forward to having you on board the success of
health and may you also make a difference in this world of sickness by
spreading the word !
In Love and Respect,
Donna Roth