All About Fear
There are numerous tactics and strategies to effectively exploit the public through fear but two of the more powerful and efficient tactics re the use of false flags, and propaganda via repetition.
"A false flag event takes its name from the days of piracy.
Before taking over a ship, pirates would sail the flag of a nation that was
known to be friendly to their targeted ship. When they got close enough, the
pirates would raise their flag, showing their true colors and commandeer the unsuspecting
ship taking all its valuables and killing its crew. Today’s false flag
operations are much more subversive and don’t give their victims the courtesy
of knowing they’ve been duped.":
False flag events pose as imminent threats to the security
of a populace and are usually committed by a group for specific purposes often
to manipulate a way of thinking The philosopher Voltaire stated that “Those who can
make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” To avoid being that someone who can be convinced of absurdities, you need to become an active truth
seeker, instead a passive propaganda receiver. Start evaluating
the claims of those in power, Become skeptical about their claims and find out the truth.
What can such false flag events be?
Here is one such event. “You have 6 months to live.” An imminent
threat was just created to make you believe that you must succumb to an authority
and their creative design to save your life. The most important thing you can
do here is to take responsibility for your own actions and check out your fear and your belief
systems. Are you blindly accepting the vision that someone else created for you
or are you creating your own vision and responsible action to save your own life?
Stanley Milgram stated: “The
disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence
of submission to authority.”
A mind that is afraid withers away; it cannot function
“He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.”
The other tactic of fear exploitation is propaganda via repetition by authority figures.” Vaccines are safe and
effective. Get your flu shot here.” That word "effective" implies the vaccine will save us from some imminent disease.What if that is not proven to be true? What is in those vaccines? Where is the insert to tell us what the side effects are? Note no one tells you all vaccines are genetically engineered. There is no statistics
quoted as to how safe they are. Repetition in this case is a well-known and prevalent
propaganda technique used to solidify falsehoods and perpetuate fear in the
public consciousness. By repeating specific phrases and warnings those in
power are able to paralyze entire populations with a fear psychosis.
Plato rightly stated that “ignorance is the root of
misfortune”, and as long as we remain ignorant of the fact that all too often
those who claim to protect us from fear are actually manipulating our fears for
their own benefit, then we will be contributing to the misfortune of the world
through our ignorant compliance.
“If you want to control someone, all you have to do is to
make them feel afraid.”
To alleviate fear take KB-C 1 with each meal and do the One Day Kidney Flush.