Judy's Story; Liver, Blood Pressure, Pain,
How many of us have had a wake up call and did not pay attention to it.?
I have had a few in my life and did not pay attention to it because it would mean I would have to do something about it.
Fortunately I paid attention to this wake up call. I always considered myself to be in pretty good health, ate well, had my fruit and veggies, stayed away from junk food and took my vitamins. Even my friends were shocked when I told them I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol. That didn't deter me until I found out that I had a toxic liver. That sent out some alarm bells for me. My Dr suggested I go on a statin drug to lower my cholesterol and bring my pressure down.
After doing research on cholesterol I decided NOT to take the statin drug. Why? Cholesterol increases in your body because it is protecting your body from infection and heart attacks.
After I heard what the Dr said, I left the Dr's office on a quest to find out what else was available outside the medical field.
I shared with my friend about my dilemma and asked her I'd the she had any suggestions for me. She recommended I go to a nutritional seminar so I could make an informed decision.
Thru that seminar, just like this one, I was introduced to Nature's Sunshine products and the TAFYH program. I was involved with nutritional products before and spent a lot of money but never really understood the relationship of food and super foods until I was introduced to the TAFYH program. TAFYH stands for Take action for your health. That was the piece of puzzle that was missing.
TAFYH broadened my horizons and challenged me to look outside the box. Doctors are human too and do not have ALL the answers for our health. I found out that Doctors need to be educated about nutrition just as much as we do. TAFYH gave me the education I needed to make an informed decision about my liver problem.
Today , almost 8 wks later, taking supplements , eating the right foods, off grains, sugars and starches has helped not only my liver but my whole body.
My BSQ numbers dropped from 91 to 22
Urinary -10 to 4
Circulation -7 to 4
Nerves -14 to 2
Glandular -13 to 0
Structural -10 to 6
No more cravings
No more constipation
Chronic pain has subsided significantly.
My blood pressure has dropped to the 120’S.
My last liver blood test indicated that my ALP -protein found in the body tissues ( liver, bile and bones) dropped to 106. Normal is 105. My ALT ( amt of enzymes in the blood) dropped to 34, normal is 30. When the ALT is up it means that there could be liver damage. No Hep C found I have more energy than I know what to do with. To date have lost 14 lbs.
The program is not a guarantee. You are the guarantee. It takes perseverance, dedication, commitment and a willingness to stick to the program. **Discipline is the bridge between goals ,,,,,,,,
My vision board slogan is "The sticker is the winner" kept me,thru all the challenges I faced during this course.
It was a slogan my DAD used when we were kids and it has stuck with me. The only difference is this journey is all about continuing to go forward in this new vision of health. You can't be successful if you don't stick to it.
Thomas Edison said, Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to always try one more time.
Walter Elliott said, Perseverance is not a long race. It is many short races one after the other.
The way that TAFYH is designed makes easy to be accountable and to stick to the protocols.
Since starting this program my husband has gotten involved with the program and been following the protocols with me. He has lost 20 lbs, feels fantastic and is now ready to take on the challenge of healing his prostate.