Wednesday, April 6, 2022

TAFYH Evaluation Cynthia


BSQ Before and After

 Digestive 5-0

  • Hapetic 5-2
  • Intestinal 1-0
  • Respiratory 1-0
  • Urinery 2-1
  • Circulation 6-2
  • Nerves 8-0
  • Grandular 12-3
  • Structural 5-3
  • Immune 6-1
  • Reproductive 3-2


Success Story


  • Candida saliva test became clear
  • Weight from 131 lbs to 191 lbs
  • Body temp went from 36.0 to 36.4
  • Sleep is better and able to wake up in the morning without feeling super tired
  • Eczema went from severe to mild
  • Tingling and pain from hands and feet are gone


Health Plan


Will continue to have my super smoothie everyday, water with chlorophyll, exercising daily, ionic breathing, and do cleanses 1-2 times a year.




I learned to be healthy in a very therapeutic way. I have a better insight of what I put into my body and what damage it could cause. I feel a lot more positive and grateful each and everyday and thankful for the learning tools for our precious vessels that we need to look after.