The basal body temperature (BBT) is
a highly sensitive and accurate measure
of low thyroid function, perhaps
exceeding the reliability of available
blood tests. The late Broda Barnes,
M.D., a pioneer in the diagnosis and
treatment of thyroid disorders, developed
this test and successfully diagnosed
and treated many patients based
on its results.
Basically, the test involves taking
your armpit temperature for four days
and averaging the results. Depending
on your temperature, you may or
may not be experiencing high or low
thyroid hormone production.
To check your basal body temperature,
follow these simple steps:
Step 1. Keep a thermometer by your
bedside so you can take your temperature
before getting out of bed in
the morning. (It is important to move
as little as possible while taking your
Step 2. Shake down the thermometer
to read less than 92˚ F.
Step 3. Upon waking in the morning,
take your armpit temperature for
at least ten minutes.
Step 4. Record your temperature.
Repeat these steps for four days.
(Menstruating women should record
their temperatures on the second, third,
fourth, and fifth days of their periods.)
Calculate your average temperature for
the four days. A normal metabolic rate
will result in a waking temperature of
between 97.8˚ F and 98.2˚ F. Temperatures
below 97.8˚ F may indicate,
at the least, subclinical hypothyroid-
Are you experiencing any of these symptoms of
thyroid disease?
Thyroid disease (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism) is
a silent illness because it goes largely under-reported and
The thyroid is susceptible to damage from environmental
toxins, especially chlorine, fluoride and bromine which
are chemically related to iodine and compete with it for
receptor sites on the thyroid gland. Furthermore, the lack
of minerals in the modern diet starve the thyroid of needed
nutrients. When your thyroid gland is not working properly,
your metabolism and energy levels are disrupted. Here are
some signs of possible thyroid problems:
Hyperthyroidism (too much thyroid hormone
• Graves’ Disease
•Feeling too hot
•Increased perspiration
•Rapid heart beat
•Hair loss
•Weight loss
•Increased bowel movements
•Malabsorption of nutrients
•Light and infrequent menstruation
•Hand tremors
•Separation of nails from the nail bed
Hypothyroidism (too little thyroid hormone production)
• Fatigue
• Slow heart rate
• Loss of appetite
• Feeling cold
• Weight gain
• Depression
• Scaly/dry skin
• Weak immune system
• Hair loss
• Constipation
• Difficulty concentrating
• Slow speech
• Goiter
• Yellowish skin tone on palms
Source: Balch, M.D., and Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C., Prescription for
Nutritional Healing, Avery, New York, 1997.
Test Your Thyroid At Home:
Home-based test to measure thyroid function
ism. Temperatures higher than 98.6˚ F
may reflect hyperthyroidism. If you
feel your thyroid gland is not working
properly, see your health-care provider.
Source: Lavalle, R.Ph., C.C.N., N.D., Breaking
the Metabolic Code, Basic Health Publication,