Monday, August 17, 2020

TAFYH Reported Results from TAFYH Team 56 August 17, 2020


TAFYH Reported Results from TAFYH Team 56 August 17, 2020

Congratulations: Randy from Vernon, BC Kelly from Vernon, BC, Farren from Surrey, BC, Ian from Korea


BSQ scores dropped from 69 to 19

Digestive 6 to 1

Hepatic 6 to 0

Intestinal 5 to 0

Respiratory 6 to 0

Urinary 6 to 5

Circulation 5 to 2

Nerves 8 to 4

Glandular 10 to 4

Structural 6 to 2

Immune 6 to 0

Reproductive 5 to 1

Toenail fungus on left foot is almost gone

Dropped 10 pounds around stomach and hips; this was my struggling area

Hard stomach is gone!

Liver swelling has shrunk; fatty liver gone!

Sleeping is much better

Ringing in the ears gone!

Health intention has most definitely achieved!


We are created in God’s likeness; we can do and we can achieve

Time each day was short and sweet and very timely

The education was life transforming with a lot of new stuff

TAFYH led me to a higher level of consciousness

I kept adding to my  Vision board; it kept me intentional

I will continue to work out 4 times a week, stay toxic freed, eat natural and from our garden

Take Chi Mineral Toni, Cat’s Claw, K, MC and Chorophyll

Detox the liver

Do the Candida Cleanse

Heavy Metal Detox with MC



BSQ scores dropped from 32 to 12

Digestive 5 to 3

Hepatic 5 to 2

Intestinal 8 to 4

Respiratory 3 to 0

Urinary 3 to 0

Circulation 4 to 0

Nerves 2 to 2

Glandular 0 to 1

Structural 0 to 0

Immune 0 to 0

Reproductive 2 to 0

Has backed off the blood pressure medications

BP dropped from 189/80 to 125/71

Volatile diarrhea is gone

Body temperature 35.5 up to 36.4

Lost 10 pounds

Candida Saliva test showed no strings; big improvement

Digestion is still a journey

Health intention has been achieved!


I had a lot of Ahha moments; each day we replaced darkness with light energy.

We were always allowed to ask questions.

The structure of the course was brilliant.

First 2 weeks is the hardest as we got into the routine of being committed to the program.

People can heal! There is hope and I want to be an advocate for this program.

I am extremely grateful for this amazing resource

Very empowering

I feel totally comfortable in sharing it with others.

I plan to continue eating the right foods, taking smoothies, Chlorophyll and water, exercise, ionic breathing, cleansing, and expressing gratitude and journaling.



BSQ scores dropped from 74 to 17

Digestive 6 to 2

Hepatic 7 to 2

Intestinal 9 to 2

Respiratory 1 to 1

Urinary 6 to 4

Circulation 7 to 4

Nerves 8 to 0

Glandular 9 to 1

Structural 10 to 1

Immune 7 to 0

Reproductive 4 to 2

Bowels changed a lot; no longer need to plan my day around bowel movements

No more sense of bowel urgency

Stiffness and pain in my hand is so much better; it was linked to wheat

Craving for sugar is 95% gone! Couldn’t live my life without a fruit pie or blueberry scone

Strength and endurance is up by 50%

Exercise program is more rigorous, more weights, more repetitions

Hearing has improved and have gone days without hearing aid

Candida Saliva test showed improvement from sinking to the bottom to strings

Body Temperature up from 35.5 to 36.75

Health intention has been reached!

We are not born with a pharma deficiency

This course sets the template for the future

It was inspiring to listen to others.

The education is well researched, well rounded.

I thought I knew a lot but I learned a lot and learned how to use it.

I plan to share TAFYH with empowerment.

Donna’s guidance and knowledge will stay with me.

You are wonderful, so excited, I loved the way you acknowledged us.

I am now an advocate for TAFYH.

I plan to continue to eat right, have smoothies with vegetable protein , drink water and Chlorophyll, do the Paw Paw program, and the heavy metal oral chelation program and address my teeth.

No antibiotics, no drugs, no vaccines!




BSQ scores dropped from 14 to 13

Digestive 0 to 0

Hepatic 1 to 1

Intestinal 2 to 1

Respiratory 0 to 0

Urinary 0 to 0

Circulation 3 to 3

Nerves 2 to 2

Glandular 3 to 3

Structural 0 to 0

Immune 2 to 2

Reproductive 1 to 1

Low energy has improved

Muddled thinking and confusion has improved

Eyes have improved

Candida Saliva test has improved

Health intention has been definably achieved.


A great teacher who speaks truth even when faced with opposing forces.

I didn’t get the commitment aspect of this course for a long time until I realized that commitment was reminding me to take action for what really mattered most to me.

The education and information is evidence and science based.

Daily gratitude focused me into a habit of thankfulness to feed my body and my soul.

The Vision board kept my mind focused on staying on the right direction.

The education helped me to see the blind spots in the health industry.

I plan to address root canals, do the bowel and liver flush, the Candida Cleanse, the Oral Chelation and help my Mom follow the program.

I will eat right, have a smoothie, take Cat’s Claw and MC and Super Omega 3.

I plan to avoid all shots and  medications