Thursday, July 23, 2009

From The Desk of Donna Roth August /2009

From The Desk of Donna Roth August 2009
Donna Roth 250 764 2852
Why have 10,000 distributors across Canada joined Nature’s Sunshine?
1. They have all healed their sick bodies by faithfully following a herbal program using Nature’s Sunshine Products after nothing else worked for them and after the conventional medical approach bluntly stated “You will have to live with this for the rest of your life”
2. They have all made a decision to take the responsibility for the health of their bodies into their own hands instead of dropping their sick bodies at the doorstep of a medical doctor.
3. They have chosen Nature’s Sunshine Products because the quality is superior to anything else on the market.
4. They have realized that with NSP you follow a lifestyle program not just take a product.
5. They have become educated through the excellent educational services and opportunities offered by NSP Canada and by individual NSP Managers.
6. They have obtained additional and in many cases substantial incomes through the sales of NSP products.
Many of you have walked into a health food store and faced walls of herbs and walls of vitamins and minerals. The choices are overwhelming. The education is limited and sporadic and the advertising is sensational. The quality of the products is questionable and really unknown. Yet you are desperately seeking for a herbal solution to a nagging health issue with no real answer as to the correct quality supplements that you may need to address your specific problem area. Donna Roth says,” STOP and JOIN us in Nature’s Sunshine. We can now provide you with your very own individualized quality controlled herbal program. Let me tell you how. Recently Zyto , a new technology formulated by Dr. Vaughn Cook , has been introduced into Canada by Donna Roth . The Zyto Compass, through a galvanic skin response using a hand cradle, scans biomarker energies of your body, records energies that are out of balance, and correlates these out of range energies with a customized optimum Nature’s Sunshine herbal program in the correct sequence individualized for your body’s nutritional needs. In other words a Zyto Compass scan provides you with a customized NSP herbal program. Included with the scan report is educational information about the various herbal products . (below is a copy of a typical scan report)
The Zyto Compass technology also provides interested persons with an excellent tool for a great business opportunity. It is relatively inexpensive, very accurate and requires only 5 minutes to complete a Zyto Compass scan. If this business opportunity appeals to you please contact Donna Roth.