Sunday, October 14, 2012

From the Desk of Donna Roth October 2012


I love to talk to people . I listen intently to what they say. As a matter of fact they are my “university,  the “University of People”  It is a university without walls ,not marred by any dogma , not corrupted  by media nor influenced by any interest groups. The “University of People” teaches me the way it is . It is reality and it is truth . And so I have come to acknowledge it as  my ultimate learning center . Often during my conversations with my university I take notes because some of the sayings I gather are so very profound. However my weakness is that often I neglect to write the names of the persons who shared their thoughts with me. Consequently I share their thoughts with you without due recognition of their names. I express my gratitude to all those who teach me every day the things I need to learn so as to help those in need. Thank you. Enjoy !

Your belief system can kill you.

“ The side effects of the Paw Paw program is good health.”

Your sense of passion is compelling. By Glen

There is a new religion happening out there called “prevention”

You want your cancer to heal overnight. How long do you think it takes for an athlete to get a medal at the Olympics? By Jacquelyn

How can you have healthy babies if you , yourself are not healthy.

What do you want in  your health. Write it down. Writing it down makes you think about it and moves you into action.

Esteem is making a difference for someone else.

Good health requires good food but today we don’t even know what “good food “ is.

Taking drugs today is a socially accepted behaviour in our culture. We just don’t know what we are doing . We’re on auto pilot. A concerned 24 year old man

“Nobody teaches us health and the doctors tell us there are no other options.” Sheena,  

Media constantly bombards us with going to a doctor to get a drug or a supplement. I‘ve tried it and it doesn’t work. I am realizing it’s all fake. Sheena

It’s the quality of foods not the calories that count.

Regarding Practical Solution to the Cancer Injury “ This book is so wonderful.’ David

I purchased your book( Practical Solution to the Cancer Injury) and felt that I indeed had found the magic bullet. I am now one of your disciples and I spread the word whenever I can.

If you knew a heart attack would happen to you in 1 month how willing would you be to take your health to the next level today ?

You can choose to subsidize your illness or invest in your wellness.

IF you don’t have enough cholesterol then you don’t have strong cell walls. If you don’t have strong cell walls then fungus gets into these weak cell walls. by Carol

1000 Herbal Success Stories #95 to #105


 #95 Low blood iron count

One man always had a low iron blood count and began using the Paw Paw program. He noticed that within a short time the Paw Paw program brought the iron levels up significantly.

 # 96 Cancer on the Cheek

One elderly 90 year old lady had a cancer growth on her cheek. It protruded out and looked like raw flesh sitting on her cheek bone touching her glasses. Silver Shield soaked in gauze was applied to this area once a day on the morning. Each morning there was evidence of shrinkage .This sweet lady pursued this procedure every day for 2 months until the raw flesh totally disappeared and the skin became normal again.

 # 97 Lost 15 Pounds

One lady with overweight problems eliminated all grains, sugars and legumes . She started eating meats, eggs, fish, lots of vegetables, and cabbage. She also  commited herself  to a half  hour walk every day. In the morning she took 4 capsules of  ART-A and 2 Everflex to keep her joints supple , 2 capsules of  Passion Flower and  2 B complex  for a healthy nervous system and 1 tablet of Vit C Time Release to strengthen the immune system.. In the afternoon she took 4 ART-A,  2 Mg and 1 Cal/Mag Plus. With every meal she took 1 Chromium, and Fat Grabbers. She also drank a lot of water. She limited her coffee intake to 1 cup a day. Within a month she was happy to report that she lost 15 pounds and that she feels really good.


#98 Calcified Stone in the Thyroid

One lady was diagnosed with a calcified stone in her thyroid area that  measured 3 inches. This problem had persisted  for 8 months . The doctor recommended surgery but this lady decided to go the “herbal route”. With the help of Kathy , her mentor, she took Hydrangea several times a day and applied Silver Gel externally to the affected area. Within a few days the stone which was the size of a dime simply slid out.

Hydrangea has the ability to break up any type of crystallized deposits weather it be in the kidneys, the gallbladder , the prostate or in the joints. In short Hydrangea can break up lumps. The “One Day Kidney Flush” uses Hydrangea specifically for that reason . Hydrangea is known to be a bitter and a solvent.


 #99 Knee Pain and Strained Muscle

Yvonne strained her muscle and her left knee during one of her sports events. She immediately applied Everflex cream to the affected areas and took a Shake of Collatrim Plus ½ scoop three times a day. In 3 days the results were remarkable. The pain was gone in both the muscle and the knee.

#100 One Person’s Account of Drug Therapy

One truck driver was prescribed Lipitor for high cholesterol, antidepressants and Adavan. Here is  his story. “ Half the time I was in Zombie land. One day while driving a truck I was thinking to myself, when am I going to reach Williams Lake when a sign glared me in the face that here I was through Williams Lake ! Another time I accidently hit a building in broad daylight and tore the bumper off my truck because I had a hard time judging the distance. I couldn’t judge the cars coming towards me . I had to quit driving. My eyes were so sore that I could hardly see. I was having a full meal just on pills taking 6 meds at one time. My anger levels increased and I would lose my temper. All my truck driving friends were all good guys and yet I would fly off the handle with them. I am amazed they forgave me.”  Today this man is off all medications and he resorts to Power Shakes with Mineral Chi Tonic, Collatrim Plus, and Green Zone . He has done the kidney flush a few times and he also takes Cat’s Claw combination and K.  What a difference taking high dense nutrition has made to his life !

# 101 H Pylori Bacteria

One lady had a hard time swallowing where food would get stuck in her esophagus and it would not go down. She would drink water and walk around until it would eventually move down the canal. “ It was very scary.”Her doctor diagnosed her with H Pylori bacteria. A program of Aloe Vera juice ½ cup a day along with ULC-R with every meal was started. All grains, sugars, legumes were eliminated . She followed this program for 3 weeks whereupon all symptoms dissipated and the medical test for H Pylori bacteria came back negative.

#102  Wasp Sting

One lady was stung by a wasp and the swelling was severe. A red blood line indicated serious blood infection. She immediately applied Silver Gel to the affected area and literally watched the red line disappear.

#103  Earache

One lady with a severe  earache and a headache simply put Silver Gel into her ear and within one hour the pain in the ear along with the headache was all gone.

#104 Congested Sinuses

One man suffered from irritating congested sinuses. He consistently made Shakes using Flax Lignans, Green Zone, Mineral Chi Tonic and Aloe Vera juice. He also took about 12 HRP-C a day. Within a few days the sinuses cleared up.

#105 Blood Pressure

Arginine Plus taken every day helped one person with heart stress and brought the blood pressure down to normal levels within a short time.