Thursday, December 10, 2009

Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer

The following is a letter from a retired medical doctor who has completed over a year of the Donna Roth Paw Paw Program for his prostate cancer .
‘The doctor told me my PSA was 3.5. The prostate was small and firm. These findings are consistent with his plan. He would not be giving me any medication unless the PSA reached 15. I am to see him again in 6 months. Meantime with your approval and blessings I plan to continue with the Donna Roth Paw Paw program.”
John requested that I add these specific comments to this publication. He stated that initially he agreed to undergo hormone treatments as prescribed by his doctor. After about a week of these treatments he noticed no difference and decided to pursue the Donna Roth Paw Paw program. As soon as John started to take the Paw Paw capsules he noticed that his urinary symptoms became quite exaggerated and lasted for several hours. As he continued to take the Paw Paw program and to increase the Paw Paw capsules daily these symptoms started to subside. John came to the conclusion that the Paw Paw was killing the cancer and consequently the symptoms got worse. John continued with the Paw Paw program for several months and it was reported that his PSA came down to 0.5 and has since come up to 3.5 which is in the “ normal range”. He attributes this success to the Paw Paw program.
“Thank you for helping me “
