Thursday, July 3, 2008


Peter’s Myelofibrosis Story

Aug 30,2004

Diagnosed with myelfibrosis.
Doctor comments :
Very abnormal red cell morphology, anisocytosis and elliptocytes etc.

Nov. 3, 2004

Saw Donna and started this program:

Paw Paw 3 /3 times a day
Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic 1 oz 2 times a day
Green Zone 1 tablespoon 2 times a day
Zambroza 4 tablespoons a day

Peter’s Haematology Blood Lab

Aug. 30, 2004 Haemoglobin:111, Platelet Count:97, Lymphocytes: 0.9
Dec. 4, 2004 Haemoglobin:124, Platelet Count:124, Lymphocytes: 1.4

Doctor reports Peter’s blood work to be near normal.