Thursday, April 8, 2021

TAFYH by Wendy

 Success Story Wendy:

BSQ score down from 54 to 22

Lost 8 pounds.

Abdominal pain, bowel irritations, constipation, diarrhea and bad breath gone. I continue to have intestinal gas.

BT went from 36.7 to 36.8 on the right ear, and 36.9 to 37 on the left ear.

Saliva test – improved and not yet 100%.

It was fun having discussions with my tag team.

Team 59 was a fun team.

My biggest success is all the learning. My mind is stretched. I am looking forward to the year.

I have lots to work on and excellent advice from Donna and TAFYH.

 One Year Health Plan March 25, 2021 to March 25, 2022

 A – Activate: Continue walk/run, rebounder for lymphatic system, balancing, core and knee exercises, riding, boxing, planks, ionic breathing, expressing gratitude, meditating, and cat’s claw for lymphatic system.

 B – Build: Continue to eat the right foods, and have smoothie every morning with super foods:

Chinese Mineral Chi

Flax Hull Lignans


Solstic Energy



 C – Cleanse: Continue and complete Oral chelation. Complete the gall bladder cleanse.

Do Candida Cleanse after dental work completed.

Do One Day Kidney Flush 2x a month.

Drink chlorophyll with water. LBS ll and Psyllium Hulls, Bacillus Coagulans

Periodic bowel, liver, and gallbladder cleanse.

 D - Direct Herbals:

Nervous System – continue Focus ATN, Super Oil

Circulatory – MC

Hepatic – LIV – C

Urinary – K

 E – Express Gratitude: Journal and express gratitude daily.

 Chinese Constitutional Quiz:

Most deficient in Water Element – do kidney flush 2x a month and take KB – C daily.

Color – blue – super foods Noni

Emotion - trust

 Inflammation List: I have an appointment made to see dentist about removing mercury fillings.

Cleaning in our house: I use Norwex cloths, and Essential Shield Cleaner

Skincare and make-up: Beautycounter

Adrenal stress: lie on my back with my feet up daily at 3 pm.